Capture Screenshot Lite review

Capture Screenshot Lite takes and edits screenshots quickly. While it doesn't include any fancy editing features or offer options for capturing your desired image, it's a good basic option.


Installation options: You don't even have to install Capture Screenshot Lite to run it. It will run directly from Setup. You do also have the option of completing a simple installation, which will create an icon for the program, so you can find it quickly again when you need it.

Basic mechanics: This app couldn't be more straightforward to use. When you want to take a screenshot, just click and drag your mouse until you have the part of your screen that you want to capture inside the box. Then let go, and the app will automatically open an editing window with your image displayed and some basic tools like a pen, highlighter, and eraser. From this screen, you can also copy your images to the clipboard, send them in an email, or print them.


Only re-dos: If you don't quite get the box in the right spot the first time around, there's no way to stop and reposition it before the screenshot is taken. Instead, you just have to discard the first image and start all over again.

Bottom Line

Capture Screenshot Lite is a useful tool for capturing basic images from your screen and sharing them quickly.

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