Cancel this election! Let’s keep November free for November stuff

Question: What would Californians have lost if we had canceled this November’s election?

Answer: Nothing.

Our fall elections have become unnecessary at best. No exaggeration — this California election offers less suspense than the recent Chinese vote for a new Politburo Standing Committee.

We all know that Democrats will win the governorship, legislative supermajorities in Sacramento, and most Congressional seats. We know because the people on the ballot already ran against each other back in June. November is not a real general election, but a rerun of earlier contests, pared to the top two vote-getters.

The rest of this election consists of stuff we know little about. We aren’t familiar with the lawyers running to obtain or retain judicial seats. We don’t care enough to read the actual texts of the ballot measures we’re asked to enact. And even when ballot measures touch on high-profile issues, it’s unclear whether our votes will make any difference.

Californians do care about the right to choose, but Prop 1 would enshrine a right to abortion that we already possess under our state constitution, state law, and judicial precedent. Californians will vote down two sports betting measures, but, with the power of gaming interests, state will soon have sports wagering anyway.

Some Californians care about local races, including in counties that may replace corrupt sheriffs. But solving the real problem — the excessive power of sheriff’s offices — will require state constitutional reform.

The L.A. mayor’s race is fiercely contested. But is there any difference between the contenders? Both are Democrats in their 60s, with center-left agendas.

Going forward, it wouldn’t be hard to cancel November elections. Or at least make November ballots shorter.

We could stop voting to confirm or retain judges’ appointments. There’s no evidence that elected judges are better than appointed ones.

We could turn various state-elected offices, too — from attorney general to treasurer—into appointed jobs. Races for these positions enable corruption — because ambitious younger politicians use them to build fundraising bases by soliciting the corporate entities they regulate.

And we could implement structural changes. Instead of running two redundant sets of elections under the state’s top-two system, we could use ranked choice voting with instant runoffs in June, and determine winners in just one round.

Or Californians could stop pretending that our elections are non-partisan. Instead of wading through ballots full of political candidates about whom we know very little, we could choose party lists. That’s how it’s done in much of the democratic world.

And when it comes to ballot measures, we ought to follow the example of advanced democracies that separate votes on issues from votes on representatives. In Switzerland, the world’s most successful direct democracy. citizens vote for elected representatives every two years, like we do. But votes on ballot measures operate on a separate calendar, spread out over four dates every year.

That means the Swiss vote on only a handful measures at a time. Each measure receives plentiful public scrutiny.

If we tried something similar, every three months Californians would receive a ballot asking for their votes on just a couple of measures. That would be much better than the current, eye-glazing practice of throwing long lists of measures on ballots that also include votes on dozens of elected positions.

The state could do even more to help us out. When Californians vote on measures, we are acting as legislators. So why not schedule ballot measure votes to fit the legislative calendar? Let’s vote on ballot initiatives and referenda in January (when new ideas come forward in Sacramento), April (when we see our tax receipts, and can predict what the state can afford), July (after the budget is signed), and October (once we’ve seen what laws the governor has signed or vetoed).

Let’s keep November free for November stuff — raking leaves, baking pies, and gathering with families and friends.

Joe Mathews writes the Connecting California column for Zócalo Public Square.

This article originally appeared on Ventura County Star: Cancel this election! Let’s keep November free for November stuff