Canada's Saskatchewan chooses Scott Moe as next premier

(Reuters) - The governing party of the western Canadian province of Saskatchewan on Saturday chose a new leader who is a staunch opponent of the federal government's plans to implement carbon taxes across the nation. The right-leaning Saskatchewan Party chose Scott Moe to replace Brad Wall as party leader and the province's premier. Moe is expected to be sworn in as premier in the coming days. Moe won the race after five rounds of voting, beating out five rivals who sought to replace Wall, who is retiring after serving as premier for a decade. Saskatchewan is home to some of the world's biggest potash and uranium reserves, which are mined by companies including Nutrien Ltd and Cameco Corp. The provincial government earns royalties from production of its mined resources, as well as of crude oil. Moe will become premier as the province struggles to end budget deficits caused by steep declines in commodity prices. Wall has been an outspoken critic of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberal government and its plans for a carbon-pricing system. Moe, a former provincial environment minister, has vowed to continue to fight the Liberal government plan, saying it would do nothing to reduce carbon emissions while costing Saskatchewan's economy more than C$2 billion ($1.6 billion). (Reporting by Jim Finkle in Toronto and Rod Nickel in Winnipeg; Editing by Chris Reese)