Canada to lead the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance

BERLIN - Canada has assumed the chairmanship of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, a body comprised of government officials and experts from 31 nations.

The alliance is devoted to fostering and promoting Holocaust education, remembrance and research around the world.

Immigration Minister Jason Kenney attended a ceremony in Berlin today where Belgium handed over the chairmanship to Canada, which will now hold that position until March 2014.

Each year, the alliance nominates a member country to assume leadership of the organization.

Canada became actively involved with the alliance in 2007 and became a full member in 2009.

The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance Conference will be held in Toronto in October 2013.

"Our government believes it is critically important to be engaged in efforts to teach future generations the lessons of the Holocaust and help prevent future acts of genocide," said Kenney.

"The Holocaust stands alone in the annals of human evil and has important lessons to teach all of us-universal lessons that must not be forgotten."