Can you charm your way to the top?

Are smooth talking and people skills enough to make you a success in business or could they actually hold you back?

Bill Clinton is famous (or, some would say, infamous) for his charisma. By all accounts, women swoon and men melt in his presence, as he has the uncanny ability to make anyone he meets feel like the most important person in the world, let alone the room.
A soft southern drawl that evokes memories of old time US preachers? A twinkle in his eye? An infectious smile?  The self-awareness to engage with an audience?
Together these traits, and more, created a personality cocktail so powerful it helped Clinton into the White House - and kept him there even when circumstances appeared to be conspiring against him.
Ultimately, Clinton’s career may have been mired in controversy, as in some ways he became a victim of his own success. But his charisma means he still remains hot property long after leaving the hot seat.
Like politics, the world of business has always been packed with charismatic leaders. The personalities and approach may differ, but charisma is the constant. From the daredevil energy of Richard Branson, the devil-may-care approach of Ryanair’s Michael O’Leary to the passion, vision and drive of Apple’s inspiration, Steve Jobs – all have had the charm and chutzpah to make it.
There are clearly some important traits that charismatic leaders bring to a business. They can express their feelings spontaneously and genuinely – positively affecting the mood and emotions of others.
The ability to listen and learn and read other people’s emotions and respond to them can be a vital skill when winning that key client or sealing that game-changing partnership. It is also fair to say that charismatic leaders know when and how to turn on the charm – and they can be skilled emotional actors, influencing other players in the way they want and need to. And, of course, charisma usually comes with great communication skills. Charismatic people tend to be entertaining conversationalists and compelling speakers who can really play their audience.
The cult of charisma

But is the cult of charisma really right for business? Warren Buffet, the billionaire investor, Sage of Omaha and packed full of charisma himself, has backed numerous businesses over his career. He has identified integrity, intelligence and energy as key qualities you should look for in a leader and in his words “if you don’t have the first, the other two will kill you”. Or, in other words, you could have a Bernie Madoff or Enron situation on your hands.
Successful US technology entrepreneur and investor Marc Andreessen’s top three traits are drive, ethics and curiosity. The first two are similar to Buffet’s ideals. However, he believes “intelligence, per se, is overrated” and adds "anyone who isn’t curious doesn’t love what they do. And you should be hiring people who love what they do.”
Meanwhile, Susan Cain, in her excellent book ‘Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking’, argues that at you only have to look at Harvard Business School, where socialising is "an extreme sport", to see the extroverts get all the prizes. She argues that as a society and in business we think extroverts are great because they're charismatic, chatty and self-assured.

She also points out that they're comparatively narcissistic and unthoughtful and we're committing a grave error structuring our society around them. In short, she concludes that character is far more important than charisma and personality in a leader.

Then there is research published by psychologist and executive coach Paul Babiak which suggests one in 25 bosses may be psychopaths — a rate that’s four times greater than in the general population. Psychopaths, who are said to be completely amoral and concerned only with their own power and selfish pleasures, may be overrepresented in the business environment because it plays to their strengths.

Where greed is considered good and profit-making is the most important value, psychopaths can thrive. They also tend to be charming and manipulative — and in big businesses that can easily pass for leadership.

Can charm do you harm?
Indeed a new study from the University of Buffalo has shown that humble bosses that lead by example, admit their mistakes and recognise their followers’ strengths, tend to create stronger company growth compared to egotistical bosses.

This research suggests charisma can get you far in business but to be have long lasting success, you need real substance. And great leaders may be great figureheads but they need to have a great team around them to make things happen. Their job is to positively influence their team and ensure the right culture and plan is effectively disseminated and executed across the business.

OK so charisma may not be all its cracked up to be in business. But, for all these points, I have to admit I know who I would most like to meet and it's not your average humble introvert - however good they are at business. For all his faults, Bill Clinton wins my vote any day. 

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Andy Yates is an experienced entrepreneur, business mentor, advisor and angel investor and helps a portfolio of exciting growth businesses reach their potential including Huddlebuy, Europe’s largest business money saving website. Follow Andy on Twitter: @smallbizhelp Follow Huddlebuy on Twitter: @huddlebuy

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