Campaigns Critique Moderator Ahead of Second Debate

In addition to critiquing each other ahead of Tuesday’s debate, both presidential campaigns have cast some skepticism at the debate’s moderator, CNN’s Candy Crowley, Time reports.

Disturbed by the active role Crowley has said she would like to play in the town hall-style debate, the campaigns expressed concern to the Commission on Presidential Debates.

The two campaigns have called on Crowley to follow the debate rules that the campaigns set with the bipartisan commission earlier, arguing that the questioning should be driven by the audience members, rather than the moderator.

Crowley, however, was not part of that agreement. “Once the table is kind of set by the town-hall questioner, there is then time for me to say, ‘Hey, wait a second, what about X, Y, Z?’” she said on CNN last week, according to Time.