Camarillo High School students set Guinness World Record for longest charcuterie board

A class of Camarillo High School students has officially crafted the world's longest charcuterie board, setting the Guinness World Record in the high school's football stadium Friday night.

Standing in front of the meat and cheese laden plank, Mike Marcotte, an adjudicator for Guinness World Records, announced that the world record board had measured in at 62.38 meters, or just over 204 feet.

"It's a really good feeling finally to see it happen," said senior William Enos, one of the project leaders.

Peter Wachtel, the architecture and product design teacher who helped coordinate the record attempt, said he's going to take a break before trying to dream up "something bigger" involving every one of Oxnard Union High School District's 11 high schools.

"If I put my mind to it, I make it happen," he said.

By the numbers

  • At 62.38 meters, the record board was longer than two blue whales and, stood on end, taller than a 13-story building.

  • The board topped the previous 45.73 meter record, set in 2019 by a Chicago-based food industry analytics firm, by more than 50 feet.

  • 50 students put more than 100 hours into stripping, prepping and joining the recycled gym bleachers into a charcuterie board.

  • Culinary students from Pacifica High School spent almost four hours prepping and laying out more than 500 pounds of cured meats, cheeses, dried fruits, nuts, olives and fruit preserves.

  • Students will cut the board down into at least 65 smaller charcuterie boards as gifts for donors who supported the project.

Isaiah Murtaugh covers education for the Ventura County Star in partnership with Report for America. Reach him at or 805-437-0236 and follow him on Twitter @isaiahmurtaugh and @vcsschools. You can support this work with a tax-deductible donation to Report for America.

This article originally appeared on Ventura County Star: Camarillo High charcuterie board sets Guinness World Record