Calhoun County votes for incumbents in primary election

MORGAN – Calhoun County saw about 27% of registered voters come out for primary elections on Tuesday.

Probate Judge Annie Holder said it was a lower turnout than usually seen for local elections in the county.

The race for Calhoun County Coroner went into a runoff. Darien Brown, the incumbent, received 334 votes and Michael Beard received 199 votes. Kenneth Zachary Jr. received 155 votes. Holder said there will be a runoff between Brown and Beard.

Holder was re-elected to the County Probate Judge office with 481 votes. Her opponent, Lisa House, had 277 votes.

Lester Hutchins was re-elected to the School Board District 5 seat with 83 votes. His opponent, Sam Robinson, received 32.

Calhoun County voters overwhelmingly voted to approve SPLOST 7, a special 1% sales and use tax to be continued in the county for the raising of an estimated $3.3 million for specific projects. The SPLOST is not to exceed six years. An impressive 86% of voters voted yes.

“Everything went relatively smoothly,” Holder said. “We had no major hiccups.”