Caitlyn Jenner Looks Stunning In Glamorous New Campaign For MAC Cosmetics

Cries of “YAAASS MAMAA!!” echoed through the halls of Yahoo! Celebrity UK towers last night when Caitlyn Jenner’s new campaign for MAC Cosmetics popped up on our Instagram feed.

Reality star Caitlyn posted the snap yesterday, which shows the former Olympian as the face of MAC’s new lipstick – called Finally Free.

Profits from the sale of the lipstick – which we very much need in our lives, by the way – all go to the MAC AIDS Fund Transgender Initiative, which provides essential support to transgender community projects.

Even more reason to buy it, right?

Speaking to the presumably well-groomed folks at MAC (who else?) Caitlyn said that the name was chosen by her, and reflects where she is in her life right now:

“I wanted a name that I use, and which represents the community. This is who I am: Finally Free.

“No more secrets. I’m free. I woke up the other morning, and I was just happy. Getting dressed, going out, I’m accepted in the world; people are nice. Life is good. I’m Finally Free. That’s why I’m glad I was named Barbara Walters’ Most Fascinating Person last year, because this year I have no more secrets. I’m going to be very boring!”

Caitlyn also revealed that it had been a life-long dream of hers to partner with a make-up company: “My ultimate fantasy — I never thought in a million years that it would ever happen — was to get involved with a makeup company. When you’re going through all of this, that’s just like never going to happen, but wouldn’t it be something to be involved in a project like that? Boy, watch out what you wish for, because it came true.”

Well, we’ll be queuing up for this new lippy, mark our words.