Businessweek Shows Us Just How Ugly Next the Four Years Will Be

The art department at Bloomberg Businesweek got all photoshop of horrors on us with their cover this week, and decided to turn our dashing 2012 presidential candidates into ugly old guys. All this, and we haven't even had breakfast yet. To be honest, we're sort of still in the election-night afterglow and still buzzed from Obama's 2008-esque speech last night, which is probably why the cover of old, more than 50 shades of gray, wrinkly Obama is so arresting—it's a visual reminder of the pessimistic future of our country (that's what we go out of the accompanying post). And that's more or less what editor Josh Tyrangiel coyly tweeted this morning: 

Early look at our new cover, in which we reveal... the future.

— Josh (@Tyrangiel) November 7, 2012

The Romney image was their backup cover in case last night had turned out differently, but seeing Romney given the four-years-of-no-moisturizer look too drives their bleak point home—that it doesn't really matter who won because these next four years are going to not be easy for any president. Businessweek's cover and its cover story hits stands on Friday.