Burglar Breaks Into Massachusetts Home Only to Be Followed Around by Family Dog

The family dog wagged its tail after the burglar broke into the house.

A burglar broke into a Massachusetts home and was greeted by the family's friendly dog, which merrily wagged its tail as it followed the intruder from room to room.

The Milton Police Department is asking for the public's help in identifying the man, who is seen on surveillance footage entering the house through an unlocked sliding glass door.

At some point, the dog wandered outside.

The burglar was considerate enough to call the dog back inside after he finished roaming around the house.

Authorities have no suspects for the break-in, which occurred earlier this month.

The man, dressed in tan cargo pants, a striped shirt and a hat, holds a phone to his ear as he walked around the home.

"He realized there were cameras in the house while committing the crime as he covers his face upon exiting the home," reads a post on the police department's Facebook page, where several people suggested the dog knew the intruder.

Or he could just be a very friendly dog. Or a wimp. A recent Inside Edition investigation into whether your dog would attack an intruder found, in several instances, pet dogs simply took off when confronted by a pretend burglar.

"As you can see, this is called 'flight,''' a canine expert told the show after viewing one incident. "Her tail is tucked. She's actually looking for a way out."


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