Buffalo Bills: Things we know this week

Buffalo Bills
Buffalo Bills

Sean McDermott is not shy about putting his stamp on this team with different ways of changing the culture that hasn’t produced a playoff team this millennium. It was just reported that he fired four members of the staff, some who have been with the organization for a very long time and one that was a “REX” short term guy.

Director of player engagement Paul Lancaster, team chaplain James Trapp, athletic trainer Greg McMillen and strength-and-conditioning assistant Dan Liburd, who oversaw the players’ nutrition and diet, have all been dismissed. This involuntary turnover/termination has not been announced by the Bills just yet.

Sean is all business and well respected if you listen to many members of the teams that played against McDermott’s defense in the past. After the previous losing Bills coaches with minimal public personalities, it was a treat as I have stated many times, to get a personality in here with Rex Ryan. He played around at times and likes to joke around.


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He said exciting, controversial things that the fans wanted to hear or at least sparked some interest. Jumping out of airplanes, getting tattoos, riding two man bikes, wearing wigs and making bold predictions were very inspirational. In the beginning anyways. When the record was 0-0. They get old very quickly after a tough loss, after a game we should have won, following missed opportunities, after a bold tough talking coach punts when behind with minimal time left in the opposing territory.

The bold swagger diminishes as you miss the playoffs once and then head towards missing the playoffs again. It is funny how perception of a coach changes based on wins and losses. I was defending Rex for some of his attention seeking maneuvers, pointing out if it was to take the focus and pressured attention off of the players. Rex, I applauded you. However, sometimes, it was about his ego.

His obnoxiousness did not take four or five years to grow old. It took a half season for some to be done with him and a more patient person such as I, the second season because I was giving him the benefit of the doubt that the first year was injuries and learning curve. It could just be Rex is one dimensional and needs certain players and cannot adjust being why he was so successful with the Jets for the first two seasons and slowly crumbled below mediocrity.

It could be the game passed him by. He will be a perfect fit on ESPN because he can listen to himself talk later that night. He does like to hear himself talk. Sean McDermott does not want attention. Sean does not want to “win the offseason” or hear about his past defenses.

He is going to be the CEO of the team as a head coach. If he wanted to micromanage the defense, he would have brought in his own version of Dennis Thurman and not a big name coordinator like he did. I am excited to see how he handles wins and losses. My guess is he doesn’t get too high from wins and doesn’t go into a pity party state of depression after a loss. Same can be said for a big score or a great sack.

Since I already tackled the final chapter of Rex Ryan several weeks back and he somehow slithered his way into my commentary, I will go public and say the above was about our new coach and our previous coach was just being used in comparisons. Yeah, Yeah… that’s the ticket.

Now that we are moving forward from the coaching topic that originally started with the staff members being fired, I want to clear things up from my past article. It was not reported in error that the Bills picked up defensive lineman Scott Crichton off of waivers, the former First-Team All-Pac-12 team member in 2012. He did fail his physical and was placed on waivers by The Bills, bringing that experiment to a quick close.

Now keep in mind the different personalities you have been introduced to from my chiropractor’s visits and medical appointments over the previous two years. Butler Mitchell, Dr. Doug, Devon Hooks, and of course Negative Stanley.

Full articles have revolved around events of these fine folks that the mold was broken when they were made. Broken into tiny little pieces, put in a blender and then a shredder and finally a burn bin. One of these unique individuals was at the chiropractor’s office this morning. One of these fine men was sporting a Bills Nike Blue jersey. The jersey was number 95 with Scott Crichton‘s name on the back. The player who was cut after failing his physical who has had a below spectacular career to this point. He was brought in as a long shot depth position.

Things We Know About The Buffalo Bills This Week:

Kyle Williams did not get traded or retire. Kyle Williams is going to want his jersey number back.

Scott Crichton was not even along far enough in the process to have a number chosen or assigned. Who wore this jersey which he probably had to have specially made?

Well Negative Stanley didn’t spend the money on his Bruce Smith jersey until it was confirmed he was headed to the hall of fame.

If you guessed Devon Hooks, Mr. Happy, Mr. Positive, Mr. Optimistic, the man that knows every college stat and player… ding, ding, ding, winner winner chicken dinner. Thanks for playing.

READ MORE: Buffalo quarterback draft prospect Patrick Mahomes

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