Broadcom CEO wishfully thinks Apple, Samsung won’t dominate smartwatches

Apple Samsung Smartwatch Analysis
Apple Samsung Smartwatch Analysis

Sure, Apple and Samsung are completely dominating the smartphone industry right now but that doesn’t mean they’re also destined to dominate the burgeoning market for wearable computers, right? In an interview with AllThingsD, Broadcom CEO Scott McGregor said that even though “there are like two companies that make half of all the smartphones on the planet,” he thinks that “wearables are going to be different” because there will be much more potential for niche wearable computing products. Among other things, McGregor notes that there are “dozens of digital watches being funded through Kickstarter, with wearable products serving niches such as Boston commuters or pet owners who want to track” their pet’s exercise habits.

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Although McGregor is certainly right that there will likely be several different kinds of smartwatches that serve a variety of different needs, he may be overlooking that this sort of market seems to right in Samsung’s wheelhouse. After all, the company that has released at least 26 differently sized Galaxy devices over the past couple of years will surely have little qualms about developing dozens of different Galaxy Gear watches for different demographics.

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