What the British Royal Family Really Eats at Home

There’s no denying that the British Royal family does spend many days and evenings eating formal, five-course meals, with the world’s most influential and famous as their guests. Seated at long tables, served on silver platters, drinking the finest wines from the palace’s cellars is how many of the royal family’s dinners are enjoyed, but not all of them. When the members of the royal family are alone, having a quiet night in without any guests to impress, caviar, truffles, and foie gras aren’t the norm. Instead, there will be roast chicken, bowls of salad, and perfectly soft-boiled eggs.

What the British Royal Family Really Eats at Home (Slideshow)

It may surprise you to learn how frugal and controlling the royal family is about their food and what they eat. They hate food waste, and do everything they can to avoid anything edible being thrown away. Meat that remains after Sunday’s roast lunch is transformed into Shepherd’s pie for Monday’s dinner, and leftovers are always stored in Tupperware (the Queen has an ample supply) in the royal refrigerator. What’s more, they’ve never been known to go out and buy truffles and the finest caviar, and will only treat themselves to such luxuries when they receive them as a gift: They do not spoil themselves with extravagant foods as part of their daily diet.


What the British Royal Family Really Eats at Home

While the Queen does have a team of chefs cooking her dinner every day, and serving her the morning bowl of Special K she enjoys for breakfast, Kate Middleton, in contrast, likes to do the cooking for her own household herself. She has been spotted pushing her own trolley round the local supermarkets, is known to make her own strawberry jam, and feeds her kids a healthy diet focused around homegrown, organic vegetables.

Click here to find out what the Queen eats for breakfast when she isn’t eating Special K.

Read on to find out what cake is the Queen’s favorite, what dish Prince William believes he makes better than anyone else in his family, and what sweet treat Prince Harry snuck down to the kitchens to ask for when he was younger. One thing you won’t find in any of these dishes though is garlic: With so many public engagements, fresh breath is essential.

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Click here to see what the British royals really eat.