British political aide faces sentencing in US criminal case

PHOENIX (AP) — A former campaign worker for Britain's right-wing U.K. Independence Party will be sentenced in U.S. federal court on Wednesday after pleading guilty to wire fraud in a scheme to steal money by posing as a money launderer.

U.S. prosecutors are recommending an eight-month prison sentence for George Cotrel.

He has been in custody since his July 22 arrest in Chicago and pleaded guilty to wire fraud Dec. 19 in federal court in Arizona.

Authorities say Cotrel offered money laundering services online to federal agents posing as drug dealers.

UKIP said Saturday that Cotrel was an unpaid party worker who helped with logistics and media in its campaign for Britain to exit the European Union.

Authorities initially said his last name was Cottrell but he said in court it is Cotrel.