Brigitte Bardot Wants to Join Gerard Depardieu in Russia

Brigitte Bardot Wants to Join Gerard Depardieu in Russia

Another famous French film icon is griping with the government of France and threatening to denounce their heritage to become, of all things, Russian if their demands are not met. Depardieu may have started a trend, but Brigitte Bardot brings a prettier face to the French exodus. 

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Yes, Bardot is threatening to become Russian just like fellow French film icon Gerard Depardieu. She told French magazine Nice Matin that she's "had it up to here" with the French government. The latter's beef with the French government is over the new high tax rates for millionaires in French, thanks to the newly elected Francois Hollande. The dream of the 75 percent tax on earnings over $1 million is currently on hold, but it should become a reality soon. 

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Vladimir Putin reached out to Depardieu and offered him asylum, and a passport, in Russia. Depardieu kindly accepted the offer. In fact, he landed in Sochi this morning. 

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But Bardot's problems with the government aren't over money. Bardot wants two circus elephants diagnosed with tuberculosis saved. The courts ordered the elephants be put down. Bardot thinks they're "cowards." 

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Whether Putin admires Bardot's work enough to grant her citizenship, like he did with Depardieu, remains to be seen.