Boy, 2, Dies After Unforgettable Visit From Santa While in Hospice Care

Miles Agnew, 2, died Tuesday night.

Just days after a memorable visit from Santa Claus while in hospice care, 2-year-old Miles Agnew has died.

The toddler, who was born with microcephaly and also suffered from spastic quadriplegia, epilepsy and brain malformations died while surrounded by his family Tuesday night.

“We are completely heartbroken,” his mom, Michelle Agnew of Salt Lake City, Utah, told “I can’t even put into words how empty we feel.”

Last week, Jeff Bodily, who has had 35 years’ experience dressing up as St. Nick, paid a visit to Miles and his family at Primary Children’s Hospital.

Bodily recalled Miles could barely keep his eyes open during his hour-long stay.

“It was like holding a doll in my hands,” Bodily told in a previous interview. “I was choked up, seeing him like that. I just wanted to help make their Christmas memories continue at least one more year.”

Agnew explained her son, whom she adopted at 3 months old, had been suffering frequent seizures in his final days. He was also visually impaired and had trouble eating.

“I’m sure if Miles could speak, he would have been excited to see Santa,” she said. “Miles was very weak during his Santa visit, unfortunately [but] I think he appreciates it and he would have been pretty excited if he was awake.”

While Miles was unable to tell Santa what he wanted for Christmas, his mom said he has always enjoyed holiday festivities in the past.

“Every year, when he sees Santa, he seems to be able to see him and just lights up,” Michelle said. “He probably doesn’t understand much about Christmas because the first year, he was just 1 and his second Christmas, he was in the hospital. But I know he loves the lights and he loves crinkling wrapping paper.”


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