The New Bourne Can Beat Up Batman

The New Bourne Can Beat Up Batman

Welcome to The Box Office Report, where you all know my name but I don't know yours, and we're all still trying to figure out how the new Bourne movie works. 

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1. The Bourne Legacy (Universal): $40.3 million in 3,745 theaters 

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Who needs a Matt Damon when you've got a Jeremy Renner? We honestly didn't think nu-Bourne would do that well, but here was are, $40 million later, and he's knocking Batman off the top of the charts for the first time in four weeks. After Mission Impossible's success, and now this, it's time to start looking at Renner as our next action big budget action star. He's not a Jason Statham-type, though. Think of where Ryan Reynolds wants his career to be. That's where Renner is. 

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2. The Campaign (Warner Bros.): $27.4 million in 3,205 theaters

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Of course, Renner had help from the unlikely team of Zach Galifianakis and Will Ferrell. One of them punches a baby in this movie. The whole thing screams like a rip off of an old SNL sketch that's not available on Hulu for some reason. Anyway, the sketch is about 85 minutes shorter than this. 

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3. The Dark Knight Rises (Warner Bros.): $19.5 million in 3,690 theatres [Week 4]

Oh, how the mighty have fallen to third place. This is the first time the Batman has fallen under the $20 million mark in a weekend. What helped The Avengers last as long as it did was, well, that it was good, and the running time wasn't outrageous. Re-watchability carries you through your twilight box office weeks. 

4. Hope Springs (Sony): $15.6 million in 2,361 theaters

Apparently this movie is good at being a movie and portraying sex, so bravo to it. Also, Meryl Streep and Tommy Lee Jones are good people. We like it when they do well. 

5. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days (Fox): $8.2 million in 3,398 theaters [Week 2]

Dog days of summer, indeed. It says a lot about the quality of this summer's stock that a kids movie making $8.2 million can crack the top five. Shout out to Total Recall for not even lasting two weeks.