Politics latest news: Boris Johnson defends delay to easing self-isolation rules - but admits he doesn't know impact - watch live

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Boris Johnson has defended his decision to delay easing the self-isolation policy, but admitted he has not seen any data on the impact it will have.

During a lengthy grilling by members of the liaison committee, the Prime Minister was quizzed by Greg Clark on suggestions that it could lead to an additional five million being forced to quarantine at home as a result.

But while stressing he was "looking at all the data and trying to strike the right balance", he told MPs he "hasn't seen any data on that".

He added: "You could say we are going to dispense altogether with self-isolation and move straight to a testing regime.

"The difficulty with that is that you would effectively be allowing many more people to be vectors of disease than by continuing with our plan."

Challenged by Catherine McKinnell, a Labour MP, for data on labour shortages, Mr Johnson swerved the question entirely and accused her of trying to "argue simultaneously that businesses should be more open and at the same time oppose relaxations".

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04:24 PM

Watch again: Boris Johnson apologises to Slough MP for Covid suffering

Boris Johnson has apologised for the suffering experienced by many during the Covid-19 pandemic, after he was blasted by a Labour MP denied the chance to see his dying relatives.

Tanmanjeet Dhesi made an impassioned intervention at Prime Minister's Questions in which he criticised "sycophantic, spineless, hypocritical" Government ministers and hit out at Mr Johnson's handling of the pandemic.

Part of his frustration was centred on the response of the Prime Minister and others to the actions of his then-chief adviser Dominic Cummings.

Mr Johnson said he was "deeply, deeply sorry" for the lost lives and the time people were unable to spend with loved ones. Watch again in the video above.

04:20 PM

Brussels risks forcing Jewish 'exodus' from Northern Ireland, claims Prime Minister

Boris Johnson has told MPs that there is "a very difficult situation" in which medicines and certain goods have to be checked when travelling across the Irish Sea.

He notes that the Jewish community has warned that they have not got "timely access - or any access - to Kosher food".

As a result there may be an "exodus from Northern Ireland by the Jewish community", he says.

"It's going to take our friends in the joint committee to make some movement, and to make some movement pretty fast."

The way Brussels is interpreting the protocol is "grossly disproportionate and unnecessary", he adds.

04:16 PM

There is 'absolutely no threat' to Northern Ireland's place in UK, says Boris Johnson

Simon Hoare, chairman of the Northern Ireland committee, asks Boris Johnson to confirm his commitment to the nation within the UK.

The Prime Minister says there is "absolutely no threat to Northern Ireland's place within the United Kingdom", adding there "should not be from the protocol".

He adds: "It is clear that Northern Ireland is part of the sovereign territory of the United Kingdom - that is all clear from the protocol. The unfortunate thing is that the protocol is being applied in a way that causes some of the anxieties to which you have just referred."

04:01 PM

Boris Johnson: Problem is not with devolution - it's with the party in power

Pete Wishart quotes Dominic Cummings as describing Boris Johnson as an "unthinking unionist, who thinks devolution was a disaster, who would like to reverse it but won't dare try".

The Prime Minister says he was a "massive beneficiary of devolution", having been voted twice as London mayor.

He says he didn't "endlessly" attack central government, saying; "The problem is not with devolution - it's with the party in power."

Asked if he did describe devolution as a "disaster",he concedes there are some disastrous elements to the Scottish Government's action. "There have been lamentable failures," he adds. "The SNP is not delivering what it should."

03:55 PM

'I won't take any lessons on social housing', says PM

Meg Hillier returns to ask what support Boris Johnson is planning to give to help get people better housing.

He attempts to make a political point about Sadiq Khan, but the Labour MP insists the question is about his work as Prime Minister, saying "you're the big boss now".

Mr Johnson says last year there was a record number of housing starts, but Ms Hillier says the Government cannot say how many social housing units have been built for those who cannot afford to buy or rent.

A rattled Prime Minister responds: "We built more council homes in one year than your Labour government did in 13 years - OK - so I won't take any lessons about building social homes."

03:52 PM

Boris Johnson hits out at MP for 'finding fault with anything'

Boris Johnson says the recovery from the pandemic should "look after everyone in society - everyone, everywhere".

He suggests that the recovery from 2008 did not "deal with people's sense of injustice and inequality", adding: "We have a huge job to do now as Conservative Government to unite and level up across the country."

Caroline Nokes asks him to point to a single policy that will help to "build back in a more feminine way", but the Prime Minister insists the gender pay gap is at "an all time low".

He adds that UK diplomats "are female - and they are the people at the tip of the UK mission to build back better for the world".

Mr Johnson says: "I am getting the feeling you would find fault with anything we did, with the greatest possible respect to you."

03:47 PM

Caroline Nokes challenges PM over pledge to 'build back feminine'

Caroline Nokes asks what is being done to "build back in a feminine and gender-neutral way", quoting back comments made by the Prime Minister himself.

Boris Johnson says he is doing everything to get "women back into the workforce", noting they have had "particular problems".

He adds: "We want to make sure that we have female employment rising across the board."

03:45 PM

Boris Johnson fudges question about protections for working mothers

Catherine McKinnell asks about redundancy protections for mothers returning to work, which were promised two years ago.

"I can't give you the answer to that particular question", says Boris Johnson. "But the problem is not so much a shortage of jobs - the problem is a shortage of labour."

He says he will "let you know" about legislation, saying "our intention is to help everybody coming back from maternity leave get back into work as soon as possible."

03:43 PM

Catherine McKinnell challenges PM over staff shortage forecasts

Catherine McKinnell talks about the impact of Covid restrictions on nurseries who have "to turn families away in order to maintain legal ratios."

"Which families should they be prioritising," she asks.

Boris Johnson says this is the consequence of "a particular phase that we have to get through", which will allow firms to "open up fully".

But Ms McKinnell says businesses in hospitality and other sectors are facing "huge staffing issues" caused by people self-isolating. She asks for data about how firms will be affected by the ongoing isolation policy.

He says it's "not possible to argue simultaneously that businesses should be more open and at the same time oppose relaxations". But Ms McKinnell says that is not what she is asking - she repeats her request for data.

"I have already been very clear - we have data about hospitalisations and deaths, predictions for where they might go... we are at the middle to low end of the projections."

03:39 PM

Boris Johnson rejects claim that UK is under-investing in catch-up plan

Catherine McKinnell challenges the Prime Minister on the relatively low per-head spend on the UK's school catch-up plan compared with other countries.

"I don't recognise them," he says, insisting they don't take into account prior investment.

The Labour MP, who chairs the petitions committee, asks why he feels "we don't need to invest" in catch-programmes.

But Boris Johnson says: "That's not how I see it."

03:35 PM

Government 'looking at evidence' on longer school days

Boris Johnson says the Government is "looking at the evidence" for extending the school day.

Initially it wasn't "as powerful as it was on tuition" but he says it is the right thing to do.

The question is how you do it, which subjects you use and "what is the mixture" of activities.

"Over the summer, there is all the summer schools... a big, big effort to try and help kids catch up as well," he adds.

03:33 PM

Boris Johnson: School bubbles system 'unbelievably frustrating'

Robert Halfon says the Government's plan doesn't address the "ghost children" who have not yet returned to school.

Boris Johnson says the bubbles system is "unbelievably frustrating" for parents and that he "fully, fully supports" schools in isolating children, but the best thing is to move from "bubbling to testing".

That will help us to "keep more kids in school," he adds.

Others who are losing class time for other reasons will need alternative measures, Mr Johnson says.

03:31 PM

Rishi Sunak to unveil more funding for education, PM hints

Robert Halfon, Tory MP and chairman of the education committee, asks about the increasing number of children who have been absent due to Covid.

He also asks about the "ghost children" who have not returned and asks what Boris Johnson's plan is to address "endemic long-term absence".

The Prime Minister says he is right. "What's happened over the last 18 months has been debilitating - they have lost unconscionable amounts of teaching and learning time. We must make it better."

He highlights the "catch-up plan" which is £3bn so far "before we come to anything the Chancellor will announce later this year".

Tuition is the best place to focus that money for now, Mr Johnson says.

03:27 PM

Boris Johnson defends cut to Universal Credit uplift

Stephen Timms, chairman of the work and pensions committee, challenges the Prime Minister about plans to cut the uplift to Universal Credit, saying it will force 500,000 below the poverty line, including 200,000 children.

"Can all that damage really be justified," he asks.

Boris Johnson says the "answer is get people into work", highlighting that predictions are for two million fewer peopled to be unemployed.

"If you look at what is actually happening in the jobs market, the problem at the moment is a shortage of labour, not a shortage of jobs."

Mr Timms notes that Iain Duncan Smith is calling for the uplift to be retained. Mr Johnson says it will always be kept under review "but you have a sense of where my instincts are".

03:23 PM

Shortages and lack of data are biggest lessons learned, says PM

Greg Clark then turns to the question of "learning lessons on the way", ahead of next year's public inquiry. He asks Boris Johnson what he would differently.

The Prime Minister says that is a difficult question, but notes there are areas "where we have started to adapt".

Firstly, he says they didn't have the data, but now he can see what is happening in "pretty much every hospital" and local authority.

Diagnostics "was an obvious thing - we didn't even know how to make a lateral flow test", he says, alongside the shortage of PPE.

03:19 PM

Boris Johnson claims he hasn't 'seen any data' on summer isolation figures

Greg Clark then turns to the matter of self-isolation, asking why the rule won't change until August 16.

Boris Johnson says the virus is highly contagious. Asked how many people will have to isolate, the Prime Minister says he "hasn't seen any data on that".

The former business secretary suggests more than five million people could be forced to isolate over the course of the 28 days, and asks if he thinks that is "reasonable".

Mr Johnson says he has been "looking at all the data, and trying to strike the balance".

He adds: "You could simply say we are going to dispense with it all straight away... but the difficulty with that is you would be effectively allowing many more people to be vectors of disease."

03:16 PM

Prime Minister insists herd immunity is not the goal

Greg Clark, the Tory MP and chairman of the science and technology committee, asks about changes to the travel quarantine rules - but Boris Johnson says he doesn't want to steal Grant Shapps' thunder.

"The crucial thing is to remember that currently we need to contain the pandemic, but double vaccination is clearly the way forward," he adds.

Mr Clark asks if August 16 is the point at which he expects the country to have reached herd immunity, but the Prime Minister insists that is not the goal.

"By August 16, we will have got many more jabs into people's arms," he says.

03:14 PM

No hike to fuel bills to compensate loss revenues from e-vehicles, says Boris Johnson

Meg Hillier, the Labour MP and chairman of the public accounts committee, asks Boris Johnson how he will plug the gap to tax revenues caused by electric vehicles.

He says "down the line the Exchequer will see a loss of revenue" but says he doesn't want to see fuel bills go up to compensate.

"That is not the way forward," he adds - but stresses he cannot "anticipate" what Rishi Sunak, the Chancellor, will do.

Sir Bernard Jenkin asks Mr Johnson to "encourage" him to make a major statement - the Prime Minister says he will have plenty to say "in due course".

03:11 PM

Boris Johnson defends support for global access to vaccines

Boris Johnson says semi-conductors are "of huge importance to this country" and wants the UK to become more self-reliant, "but it's a lot of money, particularly during a pandemic".

Tom Tugendhat then turns to the overseas aid cut to "medicines and vaccines" when variants are "coming in from all over the world".

The Tory MP asks for a vote in Parliament on this issue.

Mr Johnson says he disagrees with his assessment of what the Government is doing, saying £1.5bn of taxpayers' money has gone into Covax and more into Gavi to support the world's poorest get vaccines.

03:06 PM

National Security Adviser 'reviewing' China's chip firm takeover

Tom Tugendhat, chair of the foreign affairs committee, asks why the takeover of Newport Wafer Fab for investigation.

Boris Johnson says this is "a difficult business", but says he has asked the National Security Adviser to review the matter.

The Welsh Government "discreetly asked us to look at it," he adds, smirking indiscreetly.

He adds: "I do not want anti-China spirit to pitchfork away every investment from China in this country".

But Mr Tugendhat says there is a difference between investment for a return and a "state-backed" entity looking to stockpile semi-conductors.

03:05 PM

Tom Tugendhat demands straight answer on China coal use

Tom Tugendhat notes that no one in G7 pledged to cut coal use and asks how Boris Johnson expect to get China to agree to at Cop26.

The Prime Minister says he will do so "through engagement".

He adds: ""You can't simply push China away... you have to engage with China and make the case to China."

The pair have a clash over whether he is answering the questions he is being asked rather than the ones he wants to answer....

03:02 PM

Cop26 will help 'empower and advance women'

Caroline Nokes, chair of the women and equalities committee, asks if the Prime Minister expects any gender specific outcomes from Cop26.

Boris Johnson says overall it will benefit but he expects it to "be of massive benefit to those who have tended to suffer the most, women in particular, who don't get - when it comes to their education - as much investment as they need".

He points to the G7's education commitment, adding; "There is a clear link between economic progress, sorting out climate change and empowering and advancing women."

02:59 PM

Housing emissions delay because of cost to home-owners, suggests Boris Johnson

Clive Betts, Labour MP and chair of the housing, communities and local government committee, then asks for clarity on emissions from homes and the Government's targets.

Over the last five years there has been minimal progress.

Boris Johnson insists progress has been made, but says "this is something that is very difficult to pull off", because it requires affordable heating and the "principle alternatives" require work to drive the bills down.

"We can't have a situation where ordinary home owners are suddenly faced with an unreasonable cost," he says.

02:53 PM

Boris Johnson mocks Tory MP for mispronouncing 'lacuna'

Philip Dunne, chair of the environment audit committee, says there is a "lacuna" on climate change policies - although he mispronounces the word, calling it instead "vicuna".

Boris Johnson seizes on this, slightly mocking the Tory MP by saying the "vicuna" is a key part of his biodiversity strategy, before saying he wants to "eradicate the lacuna".

He highlights the Government's 10-point plan as a framework including green vehicles as proof of this work.

02:49 PM

Chris Bryant challenges Prime Minister over 'lies'

Chris Bryant's final question is about the requirement that when ministers lie - unknowingly - it is expected that they correct the record.

"It seems you very rarely correct the record. Why is that?" he asks the Prime Minister.

Boris Johnson says he is "not entirely sure these questions are in order", but says he will give an example - that the £350m a week on the side of the bus caused "a great amount of hoo-hah".

Mr Bryant interrupts to ask if he sacked Matt Hancock but Mr Johnson continues with his example, saying the figure turned out to be an under-estimate.

Asked again about Mr Hancock, the Prime Minister says he said "many, many times" that having "read about" the Health Secretary on Friday, "we had a new Health Secretary on the Saturday".

He says this was "quite fast moving" and adds: "That is all I have to say on that."

02:45 PM

Boris Johnson refuses to shed light on his own ministerial interest

Chris Bryant asks Boris Johnson about his own interest, which was not published because by the time the register was published it was "no longer relevant".

He asks how much it was, when was it paid off, and why it wasn't published on the parliamentary members' list.

The Prime Minister says "all that needed to be registered" was, according to Lord Geidt. But Mr Bryant says "that is not what it says", saying the report has an "entirely circular argument".

Mr Johnson says he has nothing to add.

02:43 PM

Boris Johnson challenged over ministerial interests

Chris Bryant asks if it is is time to simplify rules around MPs and ministerial interests.

Boris Johnson suggests that the two are separated because ministers are subject to the executive, and it is "quite a sensible division".

He adds: "It is sensible to have a distinction between the invigilation of Parliament and the executive - it is not surprising there are different approaches."

Mr Bryant notes that ministerial interests are only published twice a year, which makes them obsolete. He suggests a monthly publication would make more sense.

"It's certainly an idea, I would be happy to look into it," says Mr Johnson.

02:40 PM

Boris Johnson indicates support for closing Bob Roberts loophole

Chris Bryant then asks about closing the loophole to address Bob Roberts' recall.

Boris Johnson says work is going on to address this, but suggests it is a matter for the House. However Mr Bryant says it can only be a matter for the House if the Government tables a motion and supports it.

Mr Johnson replies: "There is clearly a loophole, and I see no reason why it shouldn't be closed."

02:39 PM

Boris Johnson challenged over miners' pension fund

Chris Bryant, the Labour MP, then begins his questioning, which is about the miners' pensions scheme.

Boris Johnson says members are receiving payments that are 33 per cent higher than they would otherwise be, "and we remain resolutely committed to protecting the pensions of mine workers and their families".

But Mr Bryant said "all MPs of all political parties" agreed that the additional £1.2bn in the investment reserve fund, which was put in by miners, should go to "miners and their families - not the Government".

Mr Johnson says the pension trustees have "freedom to be less risk averse with their investment strategy".

But Mr Bryant says the Government has said that pledge will not be honoured. "Do you not know the facts fo this?" he asks.

Mr Johnson repeats that miners receive payments higher than they would have done otherwise.

02:34 PM

Boris Johnson: Hope blood and treasure spent in Afghanistan was not in vain

Boris Johnson's grilling has begun, with "an opener" from Tom Tugendhat about Afghanistan.

The former officer asks how an inquiry is going to be conducted about withdrawing Nato troops.

Mr Johnson notes that the Tory MP has "yourself served there", and many British troops have died. He says "of course I am apprehensive" about the situation, which comes with risks.

"We must hope the parties in Kabul can come together to reach an agreement and accommodation must be found eventually with the Taliban... that the blood and treasure spent by this country over the decades in protecting the people of Afghanistan has not been in vain."

He will make statement tomorrow, he adds.

02:29 PM

Coming up... Boris Johnson before the liaison committee

Tom Tugendhat is one of the committee chairmen who will be grilling the Prime Minister shortly

Boris Johnson will face a two-hour grilling from senior MPs shortly - taking in a range of topics.

Tories including Tom Tugendhat and Caroline Nokes will tackle him over Covid, while Sir Bill Cash and Simon Hoare will probe him on post-Brexit policy.

Catherine McKinnell, Pete Wishart, Chris Bryant and Meg Hillier will also be among those quizzing the Prime Minister.

02:24 PM

Face mask rule change 'a step too far', says Andy Burnham

Removing the restrictions on face masks is "a step too far", and could result in some measures being reimposed, Andy Burnham has warned.

The Mayor of Greater Manchester said it was "not a matter of individual freedom... one person's freedom is another person's loss of freedom, because if you are someone who has a compromised immune system, they would be put in a very, very difficult position".

He told Sky News: "Places that people go to by choice... you know where you are going into, and you are aware of the risks. There are many people who have no choice but to go onto public transport or essential retail.. and may not be able to go in their and use those facilities."

He said he could "see the logic of what they are doing" more broadly, but called for a rethink on face masks, saying Boris Johnson should be quizzed about this during his liaison committee appearance in a few minutes.

02:18 PM

Delta variant could 'ruin the summer', warns French government

The Delta variant could jeopardise the summer if a fourth wave of infections is allowed to build, a spokesman for the French government has warned.

The share of this variant has doubled each week over the past three weeks, from 10 per cent of infections three weeks ago to 20 per cent last week and 40 per cent this week, he said.

"This variant is dangerous and quick and wherever it is present, it can ruin the summer," Gabriel Attal told a news conference. "We are getting more and more warning signals and we could see the same trajectory as in some neighbouring countries."

Senior ministers will meet next week to discuss the threat of a fourth wave, with measures including possible compulsory vaccination for health workers on the agenda.

02:04 PM

Australian trade deal finalised by 'end of this year', says Liz Truss

The final trade deal with Australia is likely to be drafted before the end of the year, Liz Truss has said.

"We're going through the same process that we went through with Japan," the International Trade Secretary told MPs.

"You reach an agreement in principle which is really addressing a lot of the knotty issues and showing the deal can be done, but then there is further work to translate that into legal text.

"We need to get the text right. I am not going to give a commitment of a definite date. But we are hoping to complete that towards the end of this year."

01:59 PM

Shadow home secretary wishes James Brokenshire 'full and swift recovery'

Shadow home secretary Nick Thomas-Symonds has wished James Brokenshire a "full and swift recovery" from lung cancer, after the security minister announced he was stepping down from his ministerial role (see 2:25pm).

"I know it will be difficult for him to stand back from his duties, but I look forward to seeing him again soon," the Labour MP tweeted.

01:50 PM

Health minister hits out at SNP 'smear' over cronyism charges

Health minister Jo Churchill accused Ian Blackford of a "smear" over his opening remarks in his party's Opposition Day Commons debate.

The SNP's Westminster leader had accused the Government of "endemic cronyism", claiming: "The pandemic has led to opportunism, for greed and for Covid profits above accountability, because this Tory Government is guilty of funnelling Covid cash from the frontline into the pockets of its rich friends."

But far from opportunism, Ms Churchill insisted Covid had "presented this country with one of the most unprecedented challenges we have ever faced."

Mr Blackford was "well aware of the public contract regulations, which existed before the pandemic, which allowed the Government to procure at speed in times of emergency", she added, noting "very gently" that the same systems were used in Scotland and Wales.

01:47 PM

Tory MP becomes a father for the third time

Greg Smith, the Conservative MP for Buckingham, has announced the arrival of his third son.

Rupert Daniel Edward was born at 7am.

Mr Smith says he plans to take "a few days" of paternity leave.

01:29 PM

Boris Johnson praises outgoing security minister

Boris Johnson has said he is "very sorry" about James Brokenshire's decision to stand down as security minister, following his cancer treatment.

Responding to his minister's resignation this morning, Mr Johnson said: "While I am very sorry that you now need to step back from your public duties, I fully support your decision to focus on your recovery."

The Prime Minister told the Old Bexley MP he "should be immensely proud of what you have achieved in this Government", highlighting his work in other departments including Housing and the Northern Ireland office.

"I understand entirely your need to step down from your role, but look forward to welcoming you back as soon as possible."

01:25 PM

James Brokenshire resigns as security minister

James Brokenshire has resigned as security minister - Eddie Mulholland

James Brokenshire has resigned as security minister, saying his recovery from cancer is "taking longer than anticipated".

The Old Bexley and Sidcup MP, who stepped back from work for a second time in February after a recurrence of lung cancer, said the treatment he had received was "second to none", but he had still "concluded that it is best that I stand down from my ministerial role and focus on restoring my health".

He added: "It has been an honour to serve as a minister in your Government."

Mr Brokenshire served as Northern Ireland Secretary under Theresa May.

01:14 PM

Public services may be 'unable to cope' because of isolation policy, warns Labour

Public services could be "unable to cope" in the coming weeks due to the workforce self-isolating after contact with a positive case, Labour's shadow health secretary has warned.

Asked if he was in favour of bringing forward the date when self-isolation rules will be eased for the double-jabbed, Jon Ashworth told BBC Radio 4's World at One programme: "I think you can bring it forward if people are taking a daily lateral flow test which has been properly recorded, that there is a PCR test at an appropriate moment throughout that period.

"Otherwise you are going to find huge swathes of public services unable to cope because their workforce will be isolating."

12:50 PM

Grant Shapps 'very relaxed' about transport operators insisting on masks

Grant Shapps has said he would be "very relaxed" if any bus and train operators in England continue to require passengers to wear face coverings from July 19.

The Transport Secretary said individual operators could amend their conditions of carriage to require passengers to continue to cover their mouths and noses.

He said: "If you're travelling on the (London) Underground and it's pretty packed, and the wearing of a face covering may well be helpful to increase confidence. Standing right next to somebody, I think that's something that I want to do. Transport operators are free to require it.

"We've seen airlines do that and we may see some transport services do that. If organisations require it to be a condition of carriage, I'm very relaxed about that, and it's up to them to do."

12:41 PM

Sir Graham Brady survives challenge to 1922 chairmanship

Sir Graham Brady has been vocal in his criticism of lockdowns - AFP

Tory grandee Sir Graham Brady has been re-elected as the powerful chairman of the 1922 Committee of backbench Conservative MPs after defeating a challenge from a former minister regarded as No 10's favoured candidate.

Sir Graham, who has held the post since 2010, confirmed his victory on Wednesday afternoon after the challenge from former government minister Heather Wheeler.

He thanked his colleagues for the "vote of confidence" after the secret ballot open to Tory MPs who are not on the Government payroll.

12:36 PM

Very good news: JCVI member backs isolation change delay

The decision to delay the change to isolation rules has been welcomed by a member of the Joint Committee of Vaccination and Immunisation, saying it is "very good news".

Prof Anthony Harden told Sky News he would not put a figure on the number of people likely to be quarantining as a result of the policy, saying they were "very difficult calculations".

But delaying the change until August 16 "will allow many more millions to be vaccinated, so that is very good news", he added.

Two-thirds of adults should be double-vaccinated by July 19, and "given another month those figures could rise considerably from there," he added.

12:26 PM

Government does not have 'head in the sand' over Universal Credit uplift, says minister

The Work and Pensions Secretary has told MPs that the Government does not have its "head in the sand" over the end of the Universal Credit uplift.

Therese Coffey said the temporary uplift, designed to give extra support during the pandemic, would start to be "phased out" from late September.

Conservative MP Nigel Mills said: "It sounds like this is a 'dates not data' decision, that we've just chosen to end this at the end of September and not going to review that based on any data at all."

But the minister replied: "It's not in any way assuming everything's going to be OK, but... we're also not putting our head in the sand.

She added: "You know, we're not trying to pretend everything is going to work out for every individual, but that's why we're investing in people. And that in itself is a £3 billion programme. So, we are in it to try and help people get back on their feet."

12:21 PM

Government extends lorry drivers' hours amid staff shortage

The Government has announced a temporary extension to lorry drivers' hours amid a shortage of workers.

Baroness Charlotte Vere, transport minister, tweeted: "We're temporarily extending drivers' hours rules from Mon 12 July to allow HGV drivers to make slightly longer journeys where necessary, as we're aware of a current shortage of drivers.

"Driver safety must not be compromised & operators must notify DfT if this relaxation is used."

Businesses and union officials have been warning of a shortage of lorry drivers which threatens deliveries to supermarkets and other sectors of the economy.

12:07 PM

Millions isolating during summer 'a concern', admits Business Secretary

The prospect of millions of vaccinated people having to self-isolate until the rules change in mid-August is "a concern", the Business Secretary has admitted.

Sajid Javid, the Health Secretary, yesterday revealed that plans to lift the isolation requirements for those who have had both jabs would not be introduced for five and a half weeks. Coming alongside his warning that daily cases could hit 100,000, it is estimated that up to 4.6 million people a week could be forced into quarantine.

Asked about the prospect of millions isolating, Kwasi Kwarteng told Times Radio: "It is a concern obviously, but what would be more damaging to business would be extension of lockdown."

During an interview with Sky News, he admitted it was "not perfect" but insisted people were "looking at the worst possible case", adding: "I don't think you can necessarily conclude there will be millions.

"The hospitality sector is very keen to reopen - they were very disappointed that we didn't open up on June 21. The majority would say this is the right precaution to be taking."

11:57 AM

Scottish Government lifts travel ban on Blackburn

The Scottish Government is removing its last remaining ban on non-essential travel to north west England.

From Thursday, the restrictions on the Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council area will be lifted, after doing so for Manchester, Salford and Bolton last week. The move sparked a row between Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham and First inister Nicola Sturgeon.

On Wednesday, Scotland's public health minister Maree Todd said: "We have been carefully monitoring the situation in Scotland and across the common travel area and following a weekly review, we will ease travel arrangements between Scotland and Blackburn.

"Nobody wants travel restrictions in place for any longer than is absolutely necessary.

"Restrictions on non-essential travel between Scotland and parts of north west England were introduced in line with evidence, and have been removed as the situation has changed."

11:51 AM

Have your say: Are you considering deleting the NHS app to avoid being 'pinged'?

With checking in set to be dropped from July 19, fears are growing that people may simply delete the NHS app to void being 'pinged' if they come into contact with a positive case.

Sir Keir Starmer challenged Boris Johnson over precisely this issue during PMQs, saying "they're doing it because they can see what's coming down the track... which is millions of them are going to be pinged this summer to self-isolate."

Are you thinking about getting rid of the app? Have your say in the poll below.

11:50 AM

PMQs: Boris Johnson apologises to Labour MP over Covid 'suffering'

Tan Dhesi, Labour's MP for Slough, tells Boris Johnson about his "painful personal sacrifices" made during the pandemic, when he was unable to comfort or care for dying relatives.

"Imagine our collective disgust when in order to carry favour with the Prime Minister's chief adviser we see sycophantic, spineless, hypocritical ministers lining up, telling us it is time to move on...

"When is the Prime Minister going to finally apologise to the nation for not mustering up some courage and integrity and sacking his chief adviser?"

Mr Johnson replies by saying "how deeply" he sympathises with everyone who has gone through "suffering described by the gentleman opposite".

He adds: "I take his criticisms of the Government most sincerely, but we have tried throughout this pandemic to minimise human suffering... I apologise for the suffering that the people of this country have endured."

11:46 AM

PMQs: Boris Johnson dodges question about overseas aid cut

David Davis, the Conservative MP for Haltemprice and Howden, asks for a binding vote on the cut to overseas aid.

Boris Johnson says the House "was given a chance to vote on this matter on the estimates vote, but mysteriously chose not to".

Tory MPs can be heard muttering angrily.

11:45 AM

PMQs: Boris Johnson dodges question over Bob Roberts 'loophole'

Boris Johnson speaks during Prime Minister's Questions - PA

Matt Western, Labour's MP for Warwick and Leamington, calls on the Prime Minister to "correct the record"by welcoming new Batley and Spen MP.

He then raises the issue of disgraced Delyn MP Bob Roberts, asks Boris Johnson to allow time for a motion to be voted on tomorrow which will allow MPs to "close this loophole" so he can be the subject of a recall.

The Prime Minister says the MP's "sanction has come to an end" and that he is "not a Conservative MP" - having lost the whip.

Mr Roberts was given a six week suspension for sexual harassment.

11:41 AM

PMQs: Boris Johnson challenged for giving 'false hope' to excluded

Imran Hussein, Labour MP for Bradford East, asks about the people who have been excluded from support during the pandemic, saying many millions around the country have been given "false hope instead of the support they desperately needed".

Boris Johnson says it has been tough, which is why the Government has put so much into support, and the best thing that can be done now is reopening on July 19.

He repeats his call on Sir Keir Starmer to support that.

11:39 AM

PMQs: Boris Johnson challenged over cladding leaseholders facing 'financial ruin'

Matthew Pennycook, Labour's Greenwich and Woolwich MP, says leaseholders "face financial ruin" over the cost of fixing cladding.

He asks why the Government is "seemingly intent on failing to honour the commitments given to those leaseholders" by not protecting the "blameless" individuals.

Boris Johnson says the Government will support all those who have to have work carried out, and has put £5bn towards the costs.

11:36 AM

PMQs: Boris Johnson hits out at 'inverse to reality' NHS criticism

Bell Ribeiro-Addy, Labour's MP for Streatham, says the Government is "a constant threat" to the NHS, which celebrated its 73rd anniversary this week.

She asks why Boris Johnson is not listening to "thousands" of NHS workers to end privatisation, staff shortages and under-funding.

The Prime Minister says he doesn't think he has "ever heard a question more inversely related to reality".

The Government has invested "the biggest amount in the NHS in a generation", he adds.

11:34 AM

PMQs: Boris Johnson pressed over paid miscarriage leave

Angela Crawley, the SNP's MP for Lanark and Hamilton East, asks if the Prime Minister will support proposals for paid miscarriage leave.

Boris Johnson says he sympathises with anyone in that situation, and notes parental bereavement leave for those who lose a child after 24 weeks of pregnancy.

"But of course no payment we could make would be any consolation to those who experience a miscarriage," he adds.

11:32 AM

PMQs: Boris Johnson attacks 'excessively legally purist' EU approach on protocol

David Jones, the Conservative MP for Clwyd West, says the grace period extension is "entirely welcome" but adds that it is only "a sticking plaster".

He asks for the PM to agree with him that unless the EU changes its approach, the UK will "do whatever is necessary - legislative or otherwise - to fix the problem permanently".

Boris Johnson says he is "sadly right" over the "misapplication of the excessively legally purist application of the protocol", saying he is "hoping for some progress" from the European Commission.

"We certainly rule nothing out in our approach," he adds.

11:29 AM

PMQs: Boris Johnson 'instinctively' against Winter Olympics boycott

Boris Johnson during today's PMQs - Reuters

Tim Loughton, Conservative MP for East Worthing and Shoreham, raises the human rights abuses in Xinjiang, and asks for the PM to support a diplomatic boycott of the Winter Olympics until Beijing meets "basic international standards of decency".

Boris Johnson says the UK has "led the world" in condemning abuses and forced labour.

He says he will "certainly" consider the proposal, but is "instinctively" against sporting boycotts.

11:26 AM

PMQs: Ian Blackford accuses Boris Johnson of becoming 'a tin-pot dictator'

Ian Blackford says the voter ID reform is because "it is easier to get re-elected if the Government can choose the voters, rather than letting the voters choose their government".

He notes that 3.5m do not have photo ID, while 11m do not have a passport or drivers' licence.

They will be "directly impacted by seeing their right to vote curtailed", and notes that Tories such as David Davis agree with him.

He asks if Boris Johnson will "continue down the path of becoming a tin-pot dictator".

But the Prime Minister says he is "making a bit of a mountain out of molehill". Councils will have an obligation to provide free ID to "anybody who wants it", he adds.

11:24 AM

PMQs: Ian Blackford attacks 'Trumpian' voter ID reform

Ian Blackford, the SNP's Westminster leader, criticises the "so-called Electoral Integrity Bill", which is designed "to do anything but increase the integrity of our elections".

He claims the bill will impose "Trumpian voter ID laws on the UK", which will lead to disenfranchisement "on an industrial scale". It will "create barriers to vote".

Boris Johnson says the Government is trying to protect the "one person, one vote" system, saying he remembers "vividly" what happened in Tower Hamlets.

"Plenty of other countries have it and I think tit's eminently sensible," he adds.

11:20 AM

PMQs: Keir Starmer channels Dominic Cummings in trolley comparison

Boris Johnson's former aide has said he is known as the trolley across Number 10 - PA

Sir Keir Starmer then appears to quote Dominic Cummings by describing the Prime Minister as "crashing over to the other side of the aisle, chasing headlines and coming up with a plan that hasn't been through through."

He says we are "heading for a summer of chaos and confusion".

Boris Johnson says "no" - stressing that the difficult decisions are being taken "in a balanced way".

He says it takes "a great deal of leadership to get things done" and repeats his criticism that the UK would have still been in the European Medicines Agency, and the UK "would not now be proceeding... to reopen our society".

11:18 AM

PMQs: Keir Starmer calls for 'common sense' measures to remain

After Boris Johnson challenges him to set out Labour's position Sir Keir Starmer says "if he stopped mumbling and listens, he would have heard the first time" and repeats his calls for "common sense" restrictions to remain such as face masks.

The Prime Minister says "we can see it is common sense" for people to wear masks "out of respect for others on the Tube".

But we are "moving from legal dictat" to a position of responsibility.

"If he supports absolutely everything else... then that is good news."

Sir Keir says it is "ridiculous" not to make masks mandatory in that case.

11:16 AM

PMQs: Keir Starmer says PM's plan 'won't feel like freedom day'

Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle intervenes by reminding Boris Johnson that "it's Prime Minister's Questions - if we want Opposition Questions, we will have to change it on the standing order."

Sir Keir Starmer says the Prime Minister is "ignoring" the question, but the "next big problem is heading down the track and going to affect millions of people who have to self-isolate".

He adds: "It won't feel like freedom day" for those who have to miss out on their plans, adding that this will "undermine" Test and Trace, which has got billions.

The Labour leader says people are deleting the NHS app and asks what he will do to stop that.

Mr Johnson repeats his thanks for those who are isolating, adding that "we are moving to a system of testing rather than isolating - we can do that because of the massive success of the vaccination programme".

11:13 AM

PMQs: Boris Johnson dodges question about self-isolation estimates

Sir Keir Starmer says "we should open up in a controlled way" by including "baseline protections such as masks on public transport".

He calls for "proper payments for self-isolation", saying the Prime Minister "can't just wish away practical problems".

The Labour leader says "millions of people" may have to isolate under the current plan. "It means huge disruption to family and businesses, just as the holidays begin."

He asks what the Government estimate is for isolation if infection rates continue to rise.

Boris Johnson doesn't answer - just thanking those who do isolate.

11:10 AM

PMQs: Sir Keir Starmer says the 'Johnson variant is surging'

Sir Keir Starmer says the link has been "weakened but it hasn't been broken" and says if the Prime Minister "won't answer" his question "hardly inspires confidence in his plan".

He says the Delta "or Johnson variant" is surging because the Government didn't close travel to India.

Sage papers make clear that there is greater chance of new variants, greater pressure on the NHS more people will get long Covid and Test and Trace will be less effective.

He asks if Boris Johnson is "comfortable" with the plan - but the PM insists the Labour leader must say where he stands on the matter, as he rolls off his praise of the vaccine plan.

11:07 AM

PMQs: Boris Johnson fends off criticism of unlocking plan

Sir Keir Starmer echoes Boris Johnson's remarks about the 7/7 anniversary, saying he will "never forget" where he was on the day.

The Labour leader adds that "whole country - with the possible exception of the Conservative MP for Ashfield - will be watching and cheering England on". Lee Anderson has vowed to boycott all England games over the players taking the knee.

He also welcomes Kim Leadbeater, and remembers her murdered sister Jo Cox.

Sir Keir then turns to the Prime Minister's plans to open up the country, asking how many hospitalisations and deaths he expects under the projections of 100,000 daily cases.

Mr Johnson says it is "certainly true we are seeing a wave of case" but says the link has been "severed" between infection and serious disease. He asks if Labour supports "the progress this country is intending to make on July 19."

11:04 AM

PMQs: Boris Johnson marks 16th anniversary of London bombing

Boris Johnson opened PMQs by marking the 16th anniversary of the London 7/7 bombings, and paying tribute to those who died in the attack.

The Prime Minister then lightened the mood by wishing England's football team success in tonight's game against Denmark.

11:02 AM

Minister attacks 'divisive' Batley and Spen campaign letter

List Truss has criticised Labour for putting out a "divisive" leaflet, using a picture of Boris Johnson standing next to Indian prime minister Narendra Modi.

Speaking in the Commons, the International Trade Secretary told MPs: "Politicians should not be stoking divisions, instead should be working together to unite and level up our country."

However she welcomed Labour's Kim Leadbeater, who won the Batley & Spen by-election last Friday.

10:51 AM

Coming up.... PMQs, followed by the liaison committee

Boris Johnson waves as he walks outside Downing Street - Reuters

Boris Johnson has got a busy day ahead of him, with his weekly clash with Sir Keir Starmer at PMQs followed by a two-hour grilling before the liaison committee.

He faces questions on Covid from committee chairmen including Caroline Nokes, Tom Tugendhat, Robert Halfon and Greg Clark, while Simon Hoare and Sir Bill Cash will among those probing him on post-Brexit issues.

Other topics will include climate change and Cop26.

10:37 AM

DUP figure criticises Sinn Fein's 'arbitrary' stance on lockdown

A senior DUP MP has criticised Michelle O'Neill for "arbitrarily" declaring that Northern Ireland will not follow England's roadmap out of the Covid-19 restrictions.

Gregory Campbell said parties at the Executive had to reach consensus on the region's next steps toward normality and needed to offer the public hope that measures limiting their freedoms will be coming to an end quickly.

The East Londonderry MP was responding to the Sinn Fein's deputy First Minister insistence on Tuesday that Northern Ireland would not be following the model outlined for England by Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Ms O'Neill branded Boris Johnson's plan to lift all restrictions, including face masks, as "reckless" and made clear she was currently "not prepared to go to the end of the line" with easing restrictions.

Stormont ministers are meeting on Thursday to discuss the potential for further relaxations in Northern Ireland. It is extremely unlikely that the administration will sanction moves on the scale of those announced by Mr Johnson.

10:32 AM

Patrick O'Flynn: The Government sold us freedom but now seeks to ping us back into submission

And so the empire strikes back. After losing their battle to postpone Freedom Day again, pro-lockdown doomsters within Whitehall have found another way to prod us back into our individual silos for several weeks longer, writes Patrick O'Flynn.

Until August 16, even fully vaccinated adults are to continue to face the prospect of being forced to isolate if they have come into contact with anyone who tested positive for Covid.

And the more you go out, the higher is the risk of getting 'pinged'.

Read more from Patrick here.

10:11 AM

Shadow home secretary: Terrorism will never win

Labour's shadow home secretary has joined those remembering the victims, survivors and relatives of the London bombings, on the 16th anniversary of the 7/7 attacks.

Nick Thomas-Symonds said: "We stand united in our commitment to ensure that those who seek to divide us with terrorism will never win."

See 9:02am and 9:58am for more

10:07 AM

Nine in 10 adults have Covid antibodies: ONS

Around nine in 10 adults in most parts of the UK are now likely to have Covid-19 antibodies, new figures suggest.

The estimates range from 87.2 per cent in Northern Ireland to 89.8 per cent in England and 91.8 per cent in Wales. In Scotland the estimate is lower and is closer to eight in 10 adults, or 84.7 per cent.

The presence of coronavirus antibodies suggests someone has had the infection in the past or has been vaccinated.

It takes between two and three weeks after infection or vaccination for the body to make enough antibodies to fight the virus. Antibodies then remain in the blood at low levels, although these levels can decline over time to the point that tests can no longer detect them.

The latest estimates are from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and are based on a sample of blood test results for the week beginning June 14.

10:05 AM

Shifting goalposts? Minister says terminus date 'not the end of the roadmap'

Boris Johnson might have called July 19 the "terminus date" but it seems his Business Secretary has a different interpretation.

Challenged about the delay in lifting self-isolation requirements, Kwasi Kwarteng told LBC waiting until August 16 "gives a little bit more protection in terms of dealing with coronavirus".

He added: "We’ve always said that July 29 is not the end, it’s the end of the roadmap but it’s not the end of dealing with coronavirus. And looking at the numbers we felt that having an extended period until August 16 – and we’ll lift the self-isolation rules on August 16 – gives an extra measure of protection."

Pressed about the potential harm to hospitality as a result of millions of people isolating, he added: "What really cost the economy a great deal was actually having the lockdown in the first place."

09:42 AM

Scientist questions whether change in face mask guidance is 'wise'

Another scientist has questioned whether it is "wise" to make face masks optional from July 19.

Professor Laurence Lovat, clinical director at the Weiss Centre at UCL, told Sky News: "There is no doubt that face masks have an enormous impact on the transmission of droplets - these tiny aerosols that sort of float around in the air.

"And one thing we really don't want to be doing is to have a major spike of patients coming into hospitals again just as hospitals are starting to settle down and get back to routine work.

"And face masks are a really simple way to prevent people from transmitting disease to others."

09:33 AM

Government committed to major infrastructure projects despite drop in demand

The Government should "absolutely" continue with major infrastructure projects, despite the pandemic lowering demand for travel, the Transport Secretary has said.

Grant Shapps told the Commons' transport select committee: "If you think about other railway lines that were built 150 years ago - the West Coast and the East Coast main lines - not two world wars, not recessions and depressions, not the Spanish flu, none of these things stopped the inexorable growth in the need for people and goods to travel."

HS2 would not be complete "until the end of the decade, early next decade", by which time demand will be different.

He added: "I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever, for a whole variety of reasons, that we will need increased transport capacity. Apart from anything else, we all know that being behind a video screen is a poor imitation of actually meeting people. People will need to meet for different reasons."

09:15 AM

Boris Johnson cheers on England team ahead of semi-final with Denmark

09:08 AM

Scottish health minister hits out over criticism that he 'disappeared' on holiday

Scotland's health minister has hit out at reports that he 'disappeared' on holiday, taking his children to Harry Potter World while cases surge.

Humza Yousaf, who works in Nicola Sturgeon's cabinet, said: "Most important job I have is being a good father, step-father and husband to my wife and kids. In the last seven months they've had virtually no time from me."

He added: "Every day I have taken "off" I have worked. Speaking to clinicians, vaccines & testing teams, clearing submissions etc. My family don't see me much at all, and while they understand why, it is difficult for us all, so I won't apologise for giving them the v limited time I do."

Mr Yousaf also noted that he had bumped into his Tory counterpart at the Studios, noted: "I can only assume it's ScotGovt Ministers who aren't allowed to spend time with family?"

He concluded simply: "2) Matt Hancock."

08:58 AM

Two Cities MP marks 16th anniversary of London bombings

Nickie Aiken, MP for the Cities of London and Westminster, has joined those marking the 16th anniversary of the July 7 London bombings, in which 52 people were killed.

See 9:05am for more

08:53 AM

Government urged to rethink isolation plan or risk 'cancelling summer' for hospitality

The Government's delay in dropping self-isolation requirements will hamper the hospitality industry's recovery, forcing firms to reduce opening hours or shut down completely, a trade body has warned.

Kate Nicholls, chief executive, of UKHospitality said: "The sector is experiencing severe staff shortages, compounded massively by the absence of team members who have been told to isolate despite not having shared shifts with colleagues who tested positive.

"Introducing a test to release system for fully vaccinated people from the middle of next month not only fails to recognise the carnage the current system is causing hospitality and the wider economy, but also significantly discriminates against a huge proportion of our workforce."

She added: "We urge the Government to move quicker on this issue to prevent the summer being cancelled and vast swathes of the population unnecessarily confined to their homes."

08:41 AM

Philip Johnston: Can Boris stand firm against Covid hysteria?

How dare Boris Johnson let us use our own judgment in dealing with coronavirus, writes Philip Johnston.

Does he not understand that we must be told what to do by the Government or we won’t be able to cope? The hysterical reaction to the Prime Minister’s decision to relax the remaining legal restrictions on our lives, now that most adults have been vaccinated, has been breathtaking.

“Reckless”, said Sir Keir Starmer. “Playing with fire”, said a procession of scientists who will never be happy until there are no cases of Covid. If you want to see the results of that approach, look at the picture of an empty Sydney centre in the Telegraph yesterday as Australia’s biggest city locked down for a fortnight with just 300 cases.

The question posed by Mr Johnson – “if not now, when?” – is the right one and needs to be answered by those who say that this isn’t the time to unlock.

Read more from Philip here.

08:34 AM

NHS app usage at 'all-time high', says Test and Trace scientist

Usage of the NHS app is at an "all-time high", despite concerns that people might delete it to avoid having to self-isolate, a Government scientist has said.

Professor Christophe Fraser from Oxford University's Nuffield Department of Medicine, who advises Test and Trace, told Times Radio that around 50 per cent of all test results go through the app currently.

"The team monitors the usage of the app, and at this point in time the usage of the app is at an all-time high," he added.

Sajid Javid's estimate of 100.000 daily infections would "result in a large amount of people being traced", and asked to isolate, Prof Fraser added.

Thinking about deleting the app - or concerned by those who will? Have your say in our poll today (see 9:12am).

08:30 AM

England v Denmark game could be 'risky' for Covid spread, warns WHO

Tonight's Euro semi-final match between England and Denmark could be "risky" in terms of coronavirus spread, a spokesperson for the World Health Organisation has warned.

Margaret Harris told Sky News: "It is risky. We're not out of the woods by any stage. We know there are large rises in the numbers of cases, that means you are (more) likely to be exposed to somebody who unknowingly is carrying the virus."

She added: "It's hard when you're having such a great time, but be serious about your own risk because it's not just a risk to you - you may bring it back to somebody in your family who is yet to be vaccinated, who may develop the severe disease...

"We at WHO are not against mass gatherings at all, but we do say when you're in a mass gathering you must take your risk seriously, you must understand what they are and mitigate them."

08:20 AM

Priti Patel to withhold visas from countries that do not take back illegal migrants

Priti Patel is to get new powers to withhold or reject visas from countries that refuse to take back failed asylum seekers or illegal migrants.

The Home Secretary will be able to “suspend, delay or declare invalid” visa applications from countries which refuse to accept back their own citizens who have been denied the right to remain in the UK.

She could also increase the charges for visa applications to work, study or longer-term stays in the UK as punishment for a country failing to accept asylum applicants or illegal migrants from the UK.

The proposed powers are contained in the Nationality and Borders Bill, laid before Parliament yesterday, and are targeted at any country that does not “cooperate with the UK Government in relation to the removal of [their] nationals” who do not have leave to enter or remain in the UK.

Government sources said the new powers would be used to “incentivise” an uncooperative foreign state, despite the risk of provoking a major diplomatic row.

08:12 AM

Have your say: Are you considering deleting the NHS app to avoid being 'pinged'?

With checking in set to be dropped from July 19, fears are growing that people may simply delete the NHS app to void being 'pinged' if they come into contact with a positive case.

Social distancing is set to be dropped a month before isolation plans are changed, meaning that the risk of being told to quarantine could rise. This has reportedly sparked a wave of people deleting it from their phone to avoid detection, despite going against Government advice.

Are you thinking about getting rid of the app? Have your say in the poll below.

08:05 AM

London MPs mark 16th anniversary of 7/7 bombings

Today marks the 16th anniversary of the 7/7 bombings in London.

Fifty-two people died and more than 700 were injured when a series of co-ordinated explosions hit three London Underground trains and a double-decker bus in 2005.

The capital's MPs - including Greg Hands, the trade minister, are paying tribute to the victims, while remaining defiant in the face of terrorism.

07:56 AM

Maintaining isolation rules until August 16 'makes sense', says Business Secretary

The "challenge for Government" is that people are saying restrictions are "too onerous" by some groups and that restrictions are being lifted too early, Kwasi Kwarteng has said.

The Business Secretary told Radio 4's Today programme that most firms were "looking forward, in the main" to reopening on July 19, despite the fact that isolation rules will stay in place for another month.

"The hospitality sector were the most disappointed that we didn't open up on June 21 - I think they are very happy that we can hit July 19... they are concerned now about staff being pinged, but there is a balance.

"August 16 makes sense... because more people will be protected."

Asked if the isolation plans would be brought forward, he said: "We have to assume this is it... but the data can change quite quickly."

07:52 AM

Business Secretary defends end to face mask rule

Kwasi Kwarteng, the Business Secretary, has defended the decision to drop the rule on face masks amid concerns it will put vulnerable people at risk.

"People should act sensibly, I would encourage people to think about others," he told Radio 4's Today programme. But he added that before Covid "people would take advice from their GPs", and they should do that now.

The minister added: "There is always a balance to be struck in these judgments, and it's clearly not the case that we are going to mandate that people should wear masks forever. There was always going to come a point were it would b e a matter of individual discretion, and that point is coming if we open up on July 19."

Asked about the timing of the rule change amid a surge in cases, he said: "If you accept the premise that we are not going to where masks forever, there will come a point when we stop having to mandate them - at what point are would you make that judgment? Clearly the infection rate is going up, the vaccination roll out has made a huge difference."

07:47 AM

Andy Burnham: Put yourself in cancer sufferer's shoes

The Mayor of Greater Manchester has urged people using public transport or entering shops to "put themselves in the shoes" of people who are at risk of Covid, ahead of the end of legal restrictions on face masks on July 19.

Andy Burnham said it "is about the health of us all - and the health of the most vulnerable members of society", as he urged people to "do the respectful thing".

07:44 AM

Vaccine immunity 'may well improve' after six months, says senior scientist

Sir John Bell has said there is "no reason to wobble" over the reopening of the country in light of the "terrific success story" from the vaccine.

The Regius Professor of Medicine at Oxford said data from those who had received both doses of the Covid jab suggested "our immune responses seem to get better over time".

He told Radio 4's Today programme "Our immune system has developed response to virus to even more mature stage, so our immunity may well improve over time.

"As you know, I am a glass-half-full guy - I am three-quarters full at the moment."

07:38 AM

I'll stop wearing a face mask in solidarity with disabled people, insists scientist

Not wearing a mask is a “moral” choice in solidarity with children and disabled people, a government scientist has insisted amid warnings of a new culture war erupting over face coverings.

Robert Dingwall, a sociology professor, spoke out after other politicians and senior scientists pledged to wear face masks in some situations when they become voluntary across England from July 19.

The academic, who sits on the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation, said he would stop wearing his mask in “solidarity” with various groups including “people with communication difficulties, whether auditory and unable to lip-read” and “all the small children whose education has been disrupted by the lack of visual clues, especially in language development”.

Prof Dingwall told Sky News: “I will not allow them to suggest that I am less moral or caring and I will expect them to respect my choices as I respect theirs.”

07:34 AM

Fewer people returning to work could solve housing crisis, says Robert Jenrick

A permanent reduction to the number of staff working in offices in the wake of the pandemic could help the Government solve the housing crisis, Robert Jenrick has said.

Speaking to the Local Government Association virtual annual conference, the Housing Secretary said businesses now had the backing of a “strong government message” when it comes to encouraging their staff back to the workplace. But he insisted that benefits could result if some people continued to work remotely and free up office space.

“It will help us to do office-to-residential conversion, and meet our housing objectives on brownfield sites,” Mr Jenrick said.

“It will also help us with levelling up because people being able to work remotely will make it more viable for people to live in more rural communities in smaller towns and commute less regularly than they used to do.”

07:26 AM

Sunetra Gupta: Children should never have been locked down

Nowhere has the injustice of lockdowns been more apparent than in what they have required of children, writes Sunetra Gupta.

We have obliged them to forgo more than a year of schooling and endure the uncertainties imposed by test, track and isolate policies, not to mention the dystopian atmosphere of masks, Perspex barriers and all the crude and corrosive accoutrements of social distancing.

Now, even with other lockdown restrictions ending, they will still be subjected to regular testing.

I have heard it proposed that children are innately resilient and will not sustain any significant long-term damage from these experiences. Time will tell if that is the case, but the short-term damage, particularly to children from disadvantaged backgrounds, is already apparent.

Read more from Sunetra here.

07:17 AM

Business Secretary 'can't guarantee' Euro semi-final won't cause Covid outbreak

The Business Secretary admitted there are no guarantees there will not be an outbreak of coronavirus cases linked to football fans watching England's Euro 2020 semi-final against Denmark at Wembley.

Kwasi Kwarteng told LBC radio: "I think we can manage this risk but to say there is no risk, if you have thousands of people in one place... there's always risk in life.

"I think we're managing the risk. I'm confident there won't be a big outbreak but we can't guarantee that now."

07:11 AM

Ministers should boycott Olympics unless 'unfettered' Xinjiang probe is granted

Members of the royal family and UK ministers should boycott the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics unless China allows UN investigators to examine alleged human rights abuses, Labour has said.

Shadow foreign secretary Lisa Nandy and shadow culture secretary Jo Stevens have written to their counterparts setting out the need for a political response to deny the Chinese government a public relations victory.

Unless "unfettered UN access to Xinjiang" is granted, to conduct a "full, transparent and independent investigation" into alleged abuses, "the UK Government should not send ministers, royal family members or senior representatives to participate in any official duties or ceremonies at the Beijing Olympics," the Labour MPs said.

07:04 AM

Fast-track lanes for vaccinated passengers at Heathrow

Fully vaccinated holidaymakers are to get fast-track lanes at Heathrow under plans to open up quarantine-free foreign travel to amber list countries.

They will digitally upload their vaccination certificates in advance of their flight before presenting them on arrival and being directed to separate lanes at immigration to fast-track them through border controls and prevent queues.

British Airways, Virgin and Heathrow will launch the trial scheme by the weekend in a bid to persuade ministers to give the green light to quarantine-free getaways for double-jabbed travellers from July 19 in time for the school holidays.

Grant Shapps, the Transport Secretary, is expected to set out the full details later today - but it will add further pressure onto ministers to explain why domestic self-isolation rules will remain in place until August 16.

07:02 AM

Delay to self-isolation rule change 'not perfect, admits Business Secretary

The plan to keep self-isolation requirements in place after the end of other restrictions is "not a perfect solution", the Business Secretary has admitted.

Asked about the business concerns, Kwasi Kwarteng told Sky News: "You can't have it both ways. On the one hand we're saying we want to reopen but we're giving a measure of precaution in terms of delaying the lifting of self-isolation restrictions.

"It's a balance, it's not a perfect solution. But on the one hand we're saying that we can reopen and on the other we're saying that we want to give a little bit more protection in terms of the self-isolation rules."

06:56 AM

Reopening country 'not sensible' when cases surge, warns Francis Crick director

It is "not sensible" to open the country to the extent that has been proposed with cases rising so quickly, the director of the Francis Crick Institute has said.

Sir Paul Nurse said: "This decision is informed by science but it's a political decision. And some factors are important, like the economy, but some of this could be achieved by keeping some of the checks in place.

"It makes no sense not to insist on the wearing of masks. We need sensible, well thought out, good plans," he added. "Of course we have to make the most of the summer but it doesn't mean we have to open the door wide open."

Sir Paul added: "Letting the virus spread in these circumstances encourages a new variant arising in the UK itself. We could create a variant resistant to the vaccine."

06:54 AM

Business Secretary will 'probably' wear mask on public transport

Kwasi Kwarteng says he is likely to continue wearing a face mask after July 19 - AFP

Kwasi Kwarteng has said he will "probably" wear a mask on the Tube after July 19, as he defends the decision to drop the legal requirement.

The Business Secretary told Sky News: "Personally, I use the Tube a lot in London, and I would probably wear a mask in that context, on the Tube, on public transport.

"That's a personal view, it's not something I would mandate, or necessarily dictate to other people."

He noted that businesses "have always had the ability to prescribe" what people wear when entering their premises. "We are going back to that situation," he added.

06:37 AM

Government accused of delaying 'Freedom Day'

Sir Iain Duncan Smith, the former Conservative Party leader, has accused the Government of "splitting the message" and having "deliberately separated the good news from the bad".

His comments were in response to the Government being accused of delaying "Freedom Day" after revealing that fully vaccinated people will still have to follow self-isolation rules until August 16.

Sir Iain said on Tuesday night that delaying changes to the self-isolation regime until next month meant "Freedom Day is delayed" and "makes a mockery" of the idea that July 19 represented the end of restrictions.

"Why would you even go to a pub [after step four of the lifting of lockdown]? This makes it worse," he said.

"I wouldn't go to a pub that wasn't still having six around a table and social distancing, otherwise you run the risk of everyone in the pub being pinged and locked down."

06:37 AM

Good Morning

It's shaping up to be a busy day in Westminster, with PMQs, a rowdy set of opposition day debates organised by the SNP and the Prime Minister up before the liaison committee.

Boris Johnson is likely to face a grilling over his decision to go against Sage advice on ditching face masks, Sajid Javid's admission that daily cases could rise to 100,000 - and the possibility that millions will be self-isolating before the rule change on August 16.

Here's today's front page: