Booming Ethereum Price Good for Ecosystem: Founder Vitalik Buterin

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin sees blockchain projects benefiting from Ethereum prices. | Source: Flickr/TechCrunch
Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin sees blockchain projects benefiting from Ethereum prices. | Source: Flickr/TechCrunch

Ethereum Co-Founder Vitalik Buterin was live from New York on Wednesday night. He was spotlighted in a live-stream interview with Laura Shin for the crypto journalist’s Unchained podcast, a sold-out event that was held at the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism.

Buterin remained diplomatic with his responses, even inserting bits of humor and moxie where appropriate. The blockchain pioneer fielded questions on everything from the Ethereum (ETH) price to regulation to ICOs to Satoshi Nakamoto.


Source: Unchained Live Stream on Facebook

Buterin on Price

Buterin was candid about the importance of the ETH price, tipping his hand to the logic behind “some of the earlier rhetoric…veering on the more extreme side of price not mattering at all,” saying:

“In part, it was counter-signaling to distinguish [Ethereum] from other crypto projects that do pumping and lambo-ing way too much. But also it was about minimizing the legal risk by basically trying to make the project seem more distant from something that would be covered by financial regulation.” *

By now regulators know what cryptocurrency is and understand that coins have a price attached that fluctuates. They understand the blockchain and that developers can build applications on these networks, which can add a great deal of value to people’s lives.

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