Bomb threat cancels classes at West Bloomfield High School

West Bloomfield High School administrators canceled classes Monday after a caller identified as "Alex" claimed to have planted a bomb at the school, according to the district and the West Bloomfield Police Department.

The call was made to West Bloomfield Police. District Superintendent Dania Bazzi and school Principal Eric Pace wrote in a note sent to families they believed the threat was not credible, but would cancel school for the day and dismiss students to prioritize student safety.

"The police are currently conducting a thorough investigation to ensure that there is no danger," they wrote.

Dale Young, deputy chief for West Bloomfield Police, wrote in a news release that investigators, after researching the phone number linked to the call, believe the threat is consistent with "similar incidents" across the country over the past two months. Investigators do not believe it is a credible threat, Young wrote.

West Bloomfield Police investigators are reaching out to others around the country, he wrote.

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This article originally appeared on Detroit Free Press: Bomb threat cancels classes at West Bloomfield High School on Monday