Bloomberg Makes Math Joke, Proclaims 'Foursquare Day'

Bloomberg Makes Math Joke, Proclaims 'Foursquare Day'

In the proud tradition of ridiculous mayoral proclamations, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg may have won the day. The Foursquare Day. Hizzoner issued a yuk-filled directive today to proclaim Friday, April 16 ("the fourth 16th of the year," get it?), Foursquare Day, in honor of the New York-based tech firm.

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For the uninitiated (both of you), Foursquare is an application that allows users to "check in" to different real-life locations around town. You get credit the more times you check into a location, and eventually you can become the "mayor" of that bar, restaurant, laundromat, bus stop, whatever. Bloomberg absolutely loves this.

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"If only I had known it were that easy!" he gushes in his proclamation, before declaring, "I, Michael R. Bloomberg, Mayor of the City of New York and the aspiring 'Mayor' of City Hall, in recognition of this exciting event, do hereby proclaim Saturday, April 16th, 2011 in the City of New York as: 'Foursqare day.' "

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A lot of the Internet likes this. Or hates it. But definitely has something to say about it — on Twitter of course.

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@mikejmorrison17: #4sqday is just as pointless as foursquare! #dontdoit

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@randyclarktko: Spit out my coffee funny! 

@joewaters @bethpfeil: It will no doubt be a scared day full of song and prayer. :) 

@jrhenson: Social Media Holiday? Really?

@sigepcory: Either cool or uber lame. can't decide.

And so on, ad infinitum. Bloomberg's vague sort of civic reasoning behind the "holiday" is all about promoting a good business climate — "With Foursquare leading the way, we look forward to this generation’s innovators and entrepreneurs making their mark on our City in the years to come" — but it's pretty clear he just wanted to make a bunch of "mayor" jokes.