PARTING SHOTS: Osama’s back up to his old tricks

Here is our roster of stories that managed to evade the full-on blog treatment:

• U.S. counterterrorism officials think that Osama bin Laden may be behind the recent threat of attacks on multiple European cities. (AP)

• Researchers have found a dramatic uptick in the concentration of carcinogens in the Gulf post-BP oil disaster. (Huffington Post)

• Bank of America will halt thousands of foreclosures because of problems with documents stemming from rushing the process. (Washington Post)

• A U.N. report says that recent mass killings in the Congo may indeed constitute genocide. (BBC)

• Don't forget to watch Rush Limbaugh on "Family Guy" this Sunday night. (Politics Daily)

• Add the Ronald Reagan Building in D.C. as another victim of bed bug infestation. (TBD)

• J.K. Rowling will not rule out penning more Harry Potter books. (Gawker TV)