PARTING SHOTS: Kanye’s mad at Matt Lauer, Rick Perry to lead RGA

Here is our roster of stories that managed to evade the full-on blog treatment:

• A Michigan group of friends and family won a $129 million jackpot on a lottery ticket bought at a porn shop. (AP)

• Kanye West won't talk to "Today Show" host Matt Lauer anymore, calling his interview "brutal." (People)

• George W. Bush's memoir contains passages similar to those in his advisers' books. (The Huffington Post)

• Texas Gov. Rick Perry will lead the Republican Governors Association. (Politico)

• Fast-food meals look pretty different from their glossy advertisements. (Jezebel)

• Facebook's email project is reportedly launching soon. (TechCrunch)

• Tennessee's governor has criticized a state lawmaker for equating pregnant immigrant women to rats. (AP)