PARTING SHOTS: Biden says he’s wanted for a second term, 28th miner rescued

Here is our roster of stories from today that managed to evade the full-on blog treatment:

• As of this afternoon, 28 of the 33 miners have been rescued in Chile. (Wall Street Journal)

• Hispanics in the United States have longer life expectancies than their black and white counterparts. (AP)

• Vice President Joe Biden says President Obama has asked him to run again. (New York Times)

• An injured soldier testified that Major Nidal Hasan made eye contact with him before shooting him the face at Fort Hood, Texas, in 2009. Hasan's lawyer says he's trying to avoid the death penalty for his client. (AFP)

• Defense Secretary Robert Gates says an abrupt end to "Don't ask, don't tell" could have "enormous consequences." (BBC)

• An Armenian crime boss has been nabbed in the largest Medicare fraud scheme in U.S. history. (NPR)

• The 21-year-old accused of stabbing a New York taxi driver for being Muslim has his bail set at $500,000. (New York Times)