Obama: Cap is good news, but spill isn’t over yet

President Obama called BP’s so-far-successful capping of its busted well in the Gulf of Mexico “good news.” But he also warned that the spill won't be subdued until workers determine how to kill the leak completely and complete clean-up work in the Gulf.

Speaking to reporters at the White House, Obama cautioned against blowing the latest developments out of proportion, as BP and the government continue to investigate whether the spill is actually being contained and not gushing elsewhere.

“It’s important that we don’t get ahead of ourselves here,” Obama said. “One of the problems with having a camera down there is that when the oil stops gushing, everyone feels like we’re done, and we’re not. “

Still, Obama expressed cautious optimism that the situation in the Gulf could be finally turning a corner. The cap, if it works, is expected to capture 80,000 barrels a day, but, he reminded reporters, capping the well is only one part of the solution and a massive clean-up still awaits. "There's still a lot of oil out there," he said.