Meghan McCain calls out Greta Van Susteren

Meghan McCain
Meghan McCain

Meghan McCain isn't afraid to mix it up with fellow members of the media. The MSNBC contributor and daughter of Arizona Sen. and 2008 presidential candidate John McCain called out Fox News' Greta Van Susteren for inviting Lindsay Lohan to the White House Correspondents' Dinner.

McCain took to Twitter to convey her dismay. "Let me get this straight," she wrote. "Greta Van Susteren is bringing Lindsay Lohan to the WHC Dinner but has a moral offense to Louie C.K?"

Indeed, Van Susteren is no fan of comedian Louis C.K. Earlier this year, she wanted to boycott the Radio and Television Correspondents Association Dinner, an event that was being headlined by the comic.

On her blog, she wrote: "Another pig....and a media association has hired the pig, Louis C.K., to be their headliner for the big media dinner? Really? I am not going. I refuse to go. Everyone in the media should join me in this boycott." Louis C.K. later pulled out of the event and was replaced by Wayne Brady.

McCain seems to be asking how Van Susteren can support the perpetual train wreck that is Lindsay Lohan while advocating a boycott of Louis C.K., a member of Time magazine's "Most Influential" list. So far, no word back from Van Susteren.

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