Introducing: The Ticket, The Lookout and The Cutline

The Upshot has just given birth to triplets.

Since the site launched in July, we've hustled to pull together the most interesting and important news on three core beats: politics, national affairs and media. Our bloggers have broken news and analyzed big stories, pointed out to great stories by other publications, and done our best to offer you a comprehensive media diet.

And you've responded. Readers inside and outside of the Yahoo! network have read the site by the millions, shared our stories via email, Twitter and Facebook, and engaged with our bloggers.

So today, we're launching three new sites dedicated specifically to the topics The Upshot was already covering. The Ticket will give you everything you need to know about American politics (Holly Bailey explains the site here). The Lookout will break down the big national stories (Zachary Roth explains the site here). The Cutline will explain the transformation and influence of the national media (Michael Calderone explains the site here).

The Upshot will live on, mostly as a portal to the best posts at these three sites. So if you want a mix of our coverage on these three beats, stick with us. But if you want to go deeper on any of these topics, check out our new blogs. We think you'll enjoy them.