Woman Scares Away Wild Bear on Her Porch

Bears are majestic creatures and fun to look at from a distance, but you may not want to interact with one for fear of its sheer strength and size overpowering you. Would you have the courage to stand up to a bear if it invaded your property?

The bear encounters started for YouTube user Nayana Grillo when he noticed that a large black bear started appearing in his backyard. Grillo began recording the bear's adventures on his property. Over the course of six videos, Grillo and an unnamed man narrate and chronicle how the bear paws and sniffs its way around the porch. The bear even opens a bird feeder and climbs all around Grillo's backyard deck.

But it's what takes place in the seventh video, titled "The Bear Meets Nishanto," that has people watching and the number of views increasing rapidly. The bear wanders around the backyard and makes its way up the stairs and onto the back deck of Grillo's neighbor, a woman named Nishanto. Grillo yells out, "Nishanto, the bear is here." Instead of screaming in horror and running the other way, as most people would, Nishanto comes out of her home, confronts the bear, and reprimands it, pointing and yelling at it to get down and go away. That's exactly what happens. The bear backs down and bolts.

Since being linked to on Reddit, the seventh video has amassed more than 220,000 views on YouTube. In all the videos, the bear appears to be on a mission of exploration rather than intending to do harm. But as most uninvited guests would, he knows when he's not welcome and makes his way back into the forest.

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