These Are All the People You'll See at Your Local Gym

These Are All the People You'll See at Your Local Gym

If you own a gym membership then you probably dread January. Fitness centers become flooded after the first of the year with ambitious exercisers attempting to fulfill their New Year’s resolution. In addition to longer wait times for machines and general crowding, you might also notice certain types of people in your gym for the first time.

Dude Perfect is a comedy group comprised of five best friends from College Station, Texas. The quintet’s YouTube channel has two million subscribers and has accumulated over 195 million views. The reason? Videos like the one they released Monday. In “Stereotypes: Gym,” the guys act out almost every fathomable type of gym goer. From the guy who sweats everywhere and doesn’t wipe down the machine to the other guy who carries around a gallon of water throughout his workout, you’ll find yourself laughing throughout the video. Either that, or you’ll be doing some self-examining to find out if you’re that guy singing “Wrecking Ball” out loud as he exercises.

The six-minute video was filmed at Pac Fitness in Prosper, Texas and the Tom Muehlenbeck Center in Plano. Since Monday’s release it has been watched over a million times. Perhaps now people will stop trying to justify eating whatever they want because they went to the gym. Of course, that’s only if they stop making excuses and actually leave the house to go in the first place.