Stevie Wonder Songs Get Covered by 18-Year-Old Crooner

Stevie Wonder Songs Get Covered by 18-Year-Old Crooner

You know the old saying "Imitation is the highest form of flattery"? Well, if that's true, then Stevie Wonder will be extremely flattered by an 18-year-old crooner on YouTube. Jacob Collier is a talented vocalist from London who has released several videos featuring him performing all six parts of the vocal track, as well as the instrumentals. His latest hit "Don't You Worry 'Bout a Thing" has Wonder fans singing his praises. Check it out here.

Any of you doubters out there should know that Collier says absolutely no Auto-Tune is used in his videos. "Don't You Worry 'Bout a Thing" was uploaded Sunday and already has more than 80,000 views. But that's nothing compared to Collier's other viral video hit from last year, "Isn't She Lovely," which racked up over 400,000 views. Jacob also recorded a video titled "The Road Not Taken," based on the Robert Frost poem. Keep them coming, Jacob — your work is beautiful!