Photo of Model Shows Measurements Needed for Barbie’s Frame

In the 53 years since Mattel introduced the world to Barbie, she has certainly experienced unparalleled success as well as her share of controversy. Critics have said the doll's unrealistic body image can have a negative effect on young girls. It's a criticism that's been dismissed by some -- after all, she's just a doll. But a photo that's making the rounds on the Internet right now shows just how different Barbie's measurements are when compared to a normal woman.

The photo depicts model Katie Halchishick, the founder of the, marked with dotted lines that correspond to what a Barbie doll would look like in real life. The contrasts, such as the pointy chin, tiny waist, and huge eyes, are plain to see and "mildly terrifying," according to one Huffington Post writer. A Twitter user echoes the sentiment, saying the image "confirms what I knew since I was eight. No one grows up to look like Barbie."

But should anyone want to? And what about all the other popular kids' toys? Should Disney princesses share the blame? Jasmine's waist is probably 18 inches at most. Let us know what you think on our Facebook page or by following us on Twitter @YahooTrending.