Hungry Trees Appear to be Consuming the World Around Them

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Trees are on the attack. Well, not really, but judging by the pictures in the Flickr account of a group of nature photographers, you might think trees are consuming the world. It turns out that trees can be just as hungry as the mightiest beasts in the animal kingdom. Under the name "Trees Eating Things," the Flickr account catalogs incidences where "hungry" trees have started to engulf man-made structures and objects that stand between them, and growing ever larger.

There are pictures of trees covering an iron railing, road signs, gravestones and even cement bridges. The trees photographed have mostly been in the northeast United States, but submissions have come from as far away as France and the United Kingdom.

It's important to note that these trees do not engulf objects overnight. It takes decades for them to consume the objects in their way. So as time marches on, Mother Nature continues to show her power. Who knows, maybe these trees really are just barking mad.