Crab Cage GoPro Camera Captures Incredible Life Under the Sea

Crab Cage GoPro Camera Captures Incredible Life Under the Sea

Scott Murray went crabbing for a couple of days off the coast of Western Australia. He brought his GoPro camera along for the ride, and he shared the spectacular underwater footage on YouTube. Murray's exact location was off the coast of Busselton.

The clip was filmed right before the New Year. Murray attached the camera to the crab net, along with the bait, and put it in the water. Almost immediately, fish swarm the submerged net. But the water creatures disperse when a crab arrives on the scene and begins grabbing at the bait. This is a recurring theme throughout the five-minute clip.

But to some viewers' surprise, Murray's camera also captured the diversity underwater. In addition to the fish and crab, a stingray and a dolphin were both seen swimming near the net. Murray is surprised by not only what he filmed, but also how many people watched his clip. "I only uploaded it to YouTube because I couldn't email it to my dad," the 28-year-old told the Bunbury Mail. "When I went to bed yesterday it had about 6,000 views. Then in the morning there was more than 250,000. It was crazy." It has now been viewed almost 900,000 times. The GoPro camera was a Christmas gift from his parents.