Authorities on the Hunt for Escaped Wild Animals and a $201,000 Phone Bill

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The small town of Zanesville, Ohio, is trending worldwide on Twitter. That's because dozens of wild animals, including lions, bears, and wolves, are on the loose. They didn't escape from a zoo; they escaped from a private animal sanctuary last night. When police arrived at the scene, cages were found open and the owner of the sanctuary was found dead. Authorities say the animals are "mature, very big, and aggressive," so armed police are on a "hunt to kill" mission. According to the sheriff, the only animals left on the loose are a mountain lion, grizzly bear and a monkey. One of the ways the sheriff's office is communicating with local residents is through Twitter. It recently tweeted, "WE HAVE TO EMPHASIZE THAT THERE ARE STILL ANIMALS LOOSE IN THE AREA AND CITIZENS SHOULD NOT BE IN THIS AREA." To keep people inside, authorities even canceled class in four school districts. Some exotic animals have been spotted close to a highway, and now flashing highway signs state, "Caution exotic animals" and "Stay in vehicle." Staff members from the Columbus Zoo showed up on the scene trying to tranquilize and safely capture the animals, but the sheriff said the main concern was public safety. A person who lives close to the animal sanctuary told USA Today that the animal owner "was in hot water because of the animals, because of permits, and (the animals) escaping all the time." The neighbor said several weeks ago she saw camels grazing by the highway. Ohio has the most lax exotic animal possession laws in the country. Perhaps unsurprisingly, it also has the nation's highest number of deaths from injuries caused by exotic animals. We hope no one in Zanesville gets hurt.

We all know phone bills can add up. Sometimes you go over your limit because you catch up with an old friend for a bit too long or send one text too many. Well, one Florida woman was slapped with a $201,000 phone bill that was 43 pages long! So, how does a phone bill get to be almost a quarter of a million dollars? Well, Celina Aarons pays the phone bill for her brother, Shamir, who is deaf and mute. They communicate almost exclusively by texting. When Shamir took a two-week trip to Canada, he forgot to turn his international data roaming off and Celina didn't add an international texting plan. On top of that, each video Shamir watched on his phone in Canada cost $2,500 to download. Celina's response when she saw the bill was simply, "Oh my God, are you serious?" Even though T-mobile has no obligation to alter her bill, local news station WSVN in Fort Lauderdale contacted T-mobile, and the phone company mercifully lowered the bill to $2,500. It even gave Celina six months to pay it off. What are your cell phone bill horror stories? Tell us on Facebook and Twitter!