"Real Life Facebook" Asks What Facebook Friendships Are Worth in Real Life

"Real Life Facebook" Asks What Facebook Friendships Are Worth in Real Life

You know how sometimes you look through your Facebook feed and think, "wait, how did I become friends with this person? Where do I even know them from? Have we even met?" It happens to a lot of us, and it is a problem that YouTube filmmaker Greg Benson thought of a novel solution for: He would find these people in real life, and after meeting them, ask them if they would like to remain Facebook friends. It's a decidedly brave adventure to talk in person with people one has never met, but they are "friends" after all, right? Benson's experiment comes to some interesting conclusions, and he definitely has some fun along the way. The people he meets are fascinating, with interesting lives that he might have otherwise missed. What is surprising is just how friendly some of these otherwise strangers are in real life. Of course, if you want to duplicate this experiment yourself, you definitely have to have a high threshold for how much awkwardness you can take. But hey, meeting new friends, even if they are already "friends," pays back in the long run. Do you have a problem with friends on Facebook? Spill the beans about it on our Facebook page, or on Twitter @YahooTrending.

And if you're curious, here's Extremely Decent's comical take on Facebook terms of service updates, in real life.