Yahoo News live-blogging GOP presidential debate with ABC News

Yahoo News will join with ABC News to provide live commentary and analysis of the Republican presidential debate in Hanover, N.H., which begins at 8 p.m. on Tuesday.

The debate, co-sponsored by The Washington Post and Bloomberg News, will focus on the economy.

The liveblog of the debate at The Ticket will feature Daniel Gross, the economics editor of Yahoo Finance; Chris Moody, a political reporter for The Ticket; Chris Suellentrop, the deputy editor for blogs at Yahoo News; and Z. Byron Wolf, a deputy political director for ABC News. Rachel Rose Hartman, a political reporter for the Ticket, will join the conversation from the scene of the debate in Hanover.

Watch the debate live here.

The race's central dynamic has shifted since the last GOP presidential debate, in September from Orlando, Fla. Herman Cain, a Georgia businessman, has risen in the polls, while Rick Perry, the Texas governor, has fallen. Cain is expected to replace Perry at the center of the stage next to Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor.