Sarah Palin’s adviser implies Palin isn’t getting enough media coverage

Of all the complaints Sarah Palin has made about the media, here's a new one: One of her advisers is apparently upset about a lack of press coverage.

As Slate's Dave Weigel noted this morning, Rebecca Mansour, a top Palin aide, posted several messages on Twitter Monday directed at news organizations including ABC News and CNN, implying the media had not adequately covered a speech Palin gave at a Wisconsin tea party rally on Saturday.

"Hi @CNN did you cover @SarahPalinUSA's Madison speech? Did it upset you that she made Obama look bad by saying the stuff you gloss over?" Mansour wrote.

She directed similar messages to the Huffington Post, MSNBC, NBC's Andrea Mitchell, the Washington Post and CBS.

What's odd is that Palin's speech actually did receive a lot of coverage--though perhaps not as much coverage as the former Alaska governor is used to. ABC ran a story on its website. The Huffington Post and Washington Post linked to the Associated Press's coverage of the event.

MSNBC played video excerpts of Palin's speech several times Monday, highlighting the former governor's call for the GOP to "fight like a girl" and questioning if it was her comeback. Meanwhile CNN covered the event on air and on its blog—which Mansour later acknowledged in a follow-up Tweet.

After Weigel noted the the Palin aide's messages in a blog post this morning, Mansour lambasted the item on, you guessed it, Twitter, insisting the Slate writer has a "zero sense of humor."

"Just to be clear: I wasn't demanding media attention," Mansour said in a message directed at Weigel. "I was mocking the media about which Palin stories they choose to cover."

(Photo of Palin in Wisconsin: Morry Gash/AP)