Obama: Not spoiler-in-chief of Olympic soccer

With the U.S. Women's soccer team leading Japan 2-0, President Barack Obama told a crowd of supporters in Colorado that the squad was "doing pretty good" — but made sure not to be spoiler-in-chief. Good thing, too, because a few minutes into his speech, Japan cut America's lead in half. (UPDATE: Team USA held on to win!)

"For those of you who are curious, the women are doing pretty good right now at soccer," he said. "The game's not over, and some of you may have DVR'd it, so I'm not going to say anything more."

"But we're making progress. Moving forward," he said in Colorado Springs, which has played host to American Olympians as they train.Aides say Obama has been a fervent Olympics watcher--he has placed congratulatory calls to gold medal winners like the women's gymnastics team and Michael Phelps, and even worked his amazement at some of the feats in London into his campaign speeches.

At one point during White House press secretary Jay Carney's gaggle aboard Air Force One, cheers were heard, prompting him to say "something exciting happened in soccer." The "exciting" something was the first Team USA goal.