Liberal super PAC jumps into Ohio air war with its first TV ad

The Democratic super PAC American Bridge 21st Century launched its first ad campaign of the election cycle Monday with a television commercial airing in Ohio.

The ad, titled "Romnopoly," emphasizes President Barack Obama's primary attack line against Republican challenger Mitt Romney. It suggests that Romney supports policies that would allow wealthy Americans to "play by a different set of rules" than the poor and middle class.

Joining the TV air war was not originally part of American Bridge's campaign strategy. The group had considered the Monopoly concept as part of an in-house project.

"We previewed the concept with donors, who thought it was great and helped us get it on air," spokesman Chris Harris told Yahoo News.

American Bridge, which until now has focused most of its resources on opposition research, plans to spend $111,000 on air time in Toledo and an additional $50,000 statewide to air the one-minute spot.