LAST TICKET: Allen West open to Senate run; Palin crashes Iowa State Fair

Here are the stories we took note of today but didn't give the full blog treatment:

• Was the poem Herman Cain recited during last night's debate actually the theme song to the Pokemon Movie? (Mediaite) His spokeswoman points to fact that the song was played to open the 2000 Olympics.

• Thursday's back-and-forth between Michele Bachmann and Tim Pawlenty was heated, but there was a time when they liked each other. (The New Yorker)

• Five million people watched this week's GOP debate on television. (TV Newser)

• Mitt Romney's personal net worth pegged at $190-$250 million. (Boston Globe)

• Bachmann says she's "the underdog" in Saturday's straw poll. (The Hill)

• Palin swarmed at Iowa state fair. (CNN)

• Allen West isn't ruling out a run for Florida Senate. (WPTV)

• House Democrats gaining traction in national polls. (TPM)