Know your political meme: #Hillary2016

President Barack Obama's victory was barely certified when the Internet turned its attention to another contest—and not one of those measly, down-ballot affairs. Shortly after 11 p.m. ET, #Hillary2016 was trending on Twitter, and the memes were quick to follow.

The image above comes from a self-described "Swedish 16-year-old American politics-aficionado" and manages to incorporate the Hey Girl Ryan Gosling meme (which was previously recycled to welcome Paul Ryan to the race as Mitt Romney's running mate) as well as AP photographer Pablo Martinez Monsivais' photo of the president pulling a goofy face while making field calls in Orlando, Fla.

Another take on Monsivais' image:

Of course, Clinton herself is the star of a previous meme showing her texting various politicians with snappy comebacks. Clinton as texting sage was revived last night:

Clinton: early favorite for meme champion of Election 2016