What Iowans find in their mailboxes in the weeks before the caucuses

DES MOINES, Iowa--With the caucuses less than a month away, locals here are being inundated with Republican campaign ads every few minutes on TV and radio, and their mailboxes are stuffed with political mailers almost on a daily basis.

A friendly Iowan sent over some of the campaign mail he's received over the past few weeks from Mitt Romney and Rick Perry to give you an idea of how the campaigns are targeting Iowa Republicans.

A bulldozer taking out Congress? Gotta be Perry:

Sure is!

Inside the mailer, Perry warns about the overreach of the federal courts. "Whether it's unborn children, Christmas, or public references to God, nothing is sacred with liberal ideologues on the bench," it reads.

Romney's ad also tries to appeal to social conservatives in the state:

And don't forget about President Obama:

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