Would you wear a 3D printed bikini?

Summer is fast approaching and to some of you this means it's almost time to hit the beach and soak up the sun. Before you panic-buy a new swimwear, though, take a look at one of the most unconventional options you have — a 3D-printed bikini. We'd seen a number of things you wouldn't believe could be printed out: a car, furniture, guitars, and even a jawbone. But would you wear a bikini so out of the norm?

According to Continuum, the company making the swimwear, nylon is used as the 3D printer feed instead of the usual plastic. This results in flexible, waterproof bikini that bend to the contours of your body. The downside? This 3D printed wonder doesn't come cheap — just the top will cost you upwards of $176, depending on your size. Head over toContinuum to check out all the other made-to-order wearables you can buy, including 3D printed accessories and a geometric little black dress that you can customize to your heart's content using an app.

[via GigaOm]

This article was written by Mariella Moon and originally appeared on Tecca

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