Lawsuit delays Facebook’s Timeline launch

Some Facebook users are eagerly anticipating Timeline's roll out, while others are panic-editing their profiles before that happens. If you're among the latter, you'll be happy to know that Timeline's official launch, which was expected to begin late last week, has been delayed.

Chicago-based company slapped Facebook with a trademark lawsuit. And even though the judge refused to grant a temporary restraining order on the Facebook Timeline, the social networking company agreed to delay its full launch until both parties face each other in court tomorrow. offers a digital scrapbooking service, and claims Facebook's Timeline — which is more a digital scrapbook than a profile — threatens its business. The website also demanded that the developer enrollment for early Timeline access be stopped, although the judge refused that, as well. However, he required Facebook to report the number of developers that signed on — around 1.1 million thus far — and will sign on.

This development means Timeline's full launch is on hold at least until tomorrow. While we haven't heard anything from Facebook directly, some developers claim to have seen a message that says Timeline's public push begins on October 6 instead of the original September 29 date. If that's true, then pat yourself on the back — you might just have more time to prune all your incriminating updates from back in the day.

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This article was written by Mariella Moon and originally appeared on Tecca

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