iPhone alarm clock app shames late sleepers through Twitter

For many of us who awaken each morning to the sound of an alarm clock attempting to raise us from our peaceful slumber, there's nothing more important than the snooze button. The extra minutes of shuteye that snooze provides acts as the perfect buffer between dreamy bliss and the long work day ahead. But what if every time you tapped that snooze command an embarrassing message was posted to your Twitter account? Would you be quicker to rise? The Japanese makers of the Okite iPhone app think so.

Before setting an alarm timer with the Okite app, you must sync your Twitter account. Then, when the alarm goes off at the time you set, the app provides a handy snooze alert button. If you take the opportunity to catch a few more Z's, a ridiculous Twitter message will be posted on your account for all to see. The messages are picked randomly from a built-in list of shameful quotes, and include things "I have no friends" and "I have powerful farts."

The idea is that late risers will use the embarrassing updates as motivation to crawl out of bed a bit earlier. Each tweet is also tagged with the hastag #Okite, so before long your followers will realize you're just being lazy. Currently, the Okite app only supports traditional Japanese language, but we wouldn't be surprised to see an English version pop up soon, either by the Okite creators or someone else.


This article originally appeared on Tecca

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