World’s largest cupcake mosaic unveiled in Singapore

Singapore celebrated its 47th birthday in style with a mosaic of 20,000 cupcakes designed to look like a pair of hands in a heart shape around the city-state's flag.

The overwhelming display of frosted cakes broke the previous Guinness Book of World Records mark for cupcake mosaics by a long shot. The previous record was a mere 5,900 cupcakes arranged for display in the U.S. in 2009.

The record-breaking display was put together by approximately 1,200 youth volunteers at the Singapore Expo and required 16 decks of ovens and more than 18 hours of baking. The giant cupcake arrangement measured 52 x 26 feet and took 1,320 pounds of cupcake mix, 770 pounds of eggs and 660 pounds of vegetable oil to produce.

And lest you think this was an over-the-top nationalistic indulgence, rest assured that all 20,000 cupcakes have been auctioned off to benefit local charities in Singapore.

However, this is not the only record-setting cupcake acknowledged by Guinness. The world's largest single cupcake was created by Georgetown Cupcakes and weighed an astounding 2,594 pounds.