Aspiring gymnast performs amazing moves with one leg (Video)

In the exclusive video above, Australian acrobat Roya Abdolhosini performs a series of amazing gymnastic moves with one leg. Abdolhosini is just one of the many participants in a new video contest centered around the 2012 London Olympic Games.

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has launched a "Show Your Best" video competition, where participants upload video of themselves doing anything that counts as their best effort performing their favorite activity in 60 seconds or less.

The possibilities are endless and can include anything from athletic demonstrations to music to an activity like cooking.

Abdolhosini has a great story, and The Melbourne Weekly recently profiled her, noting that she overcame adversity to become a member of her college's cheerleading team. Abdolhosini tells the Weekly, "There are just a few things I can't do, like leaps and jumps, but Natalie just adjusts the routine to suit me. It's not a major problem."

A panel of previous Olympians and members of the IOC will judge the videos, choosing several winners. The grand prize winner gets a trip to the London 2012 Olympics, along with the chance to appear in a commercial that will air around the world during the games.

If you're a fan of Abdolhosini's performance, you can vote for her here and help send her to this year's Olympic Games.

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