Should Canadians be legally responsible for elderly parents?

Should Canadians be legally responsible for elderly parents?

The Chinese government has revised a law that now requires citizens to visit their elderly parents regularly and support them both emotionally and financially.

Reports of neglect and abuse among China's seniors has prompted the government to address the issue, but the specifics of this new law are still a little bit foggy.

"The law doesn't specify how much care they (the offspring) must provide, nor how often children need to visit their parents," reports Yahoo! Canada blogger Lindsay Jolivet. "And it doesn't say if neglectful children will go to jail or face any penalties at all for avoiding time with mom and dad.

"Parents, however, can sue their kids if they don't visit frequently enough, according to CNN."

Now, life in China is far different than how we live in Canada, but we thought we'd take this one to the street. Would you welcome a similar law here in Canada that requires children to visit their parents frequently?

Share your thoughts in the comments area below.