Obama, Romney, Newt: Stop! TMI!

Politically Foul

Politics is not a game exactly, but there are rules. Each week, we explore the fumbles, backs, turnovers and sacks on the political playing field.

Feeling a little too comfortable in his home state of Michigan this week, the long-married Mitt Romney was acting like a free agent when he asked the crowd, "Any old girlfriends here? I better be careful."

Romney wasn't the only ladies man cruising the capital this week. Politicians couldn't escape Cupid's arrow, making public testaments to their Valentines. President Obama tweeted, "Hey, @MichelleObama: Happy Valentine's Day."

We're hoping the President had a little more planned on V-Day than just a tweet.

Newt Gingrich just skirted the out of bounds line while sharing his romantic Valentine's Day plans for wife Callista. "We're going to have a private dinner, exchange gifts and…. reconnect a little bit." He chuckled to reporters, "No more details."

And the TMI didn't stop there. President Obama lobbed a dead ball in Milwaukee while visiting Master Lock. He reminisced about his days in stinky locker rooms:

" If you go into the boy's locker room in high school, sometimes it's a little…powerful…the odor in there. So I was thinking about the fact that, you know, we weren't washing our stuff enough."

Personal foul for odor, Mr. President. What happens in the locker room, stays in the locker room.

Those are the politically plays we flagged this week. Tell us your best and worst moments and we'll survey the field again next week.